Past simple – regular verbs

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Past simple – regular verbs


Use the past simple to tell stories.

Add -ed to regular verbs. Add -d to verbs ending in -e.

Change -y to -ied for verbs ending in - consonant y.


1 Read the story. Put the pictures in order.

A lucky day



Yesterday morning was great. Lots of things happened!

I jumped out of bed at seven o’clock. I looked out of the window - rain, rain, rain! So I played my favourite computer game for half an hour. I wanted to play longer, but mum shouted: ’Amy, your breakfast is ready!’ After breakfast, I listened to music (I’ve got a great new CD) and watched TV for a bit.

Then the weather changed. It was sunny! So I walked to the park. I phoned Paul and waited for him. He arrived ten minutes later with his dog Bonkers. Bonkers chased a squirrel up a tree - it was very funny!

Then Paul noticed something. There was a cat in the tree too. I climbed the tree, picked up the cat and carried it down to the ground again.

We tried to find the owner of the cat, but no luck. I asked my mum: ’Mum, can I keep the cat?’ and she said ’OK’. So now I’ve got a cat called Lucky at home!

2 Underline the correct options in each sentence.


1 I phone I phoned my friend Paul every day — yesterday I phone I phoned him at six o’clock in the morning!

2 Yesterday I was a bit angry with Jenny. I always walk I walked to school with her, but yesterday she walks I walked to school with Harry Smith!

3 Sometimes Mark plays I played football well. Last Saturday, he plays I played really badly!

4 Our dog is great — when we go shopping, he always carries I carried the shopping basket. Last weekend, he carries I carried a really heavy basket!

5 We usually study I studied for an hour every night — but yesterday we study I studied for three hours.

6 When my cat was little, she chases I chased birds. Now she chases I chased dogs!

7 There's an interesting programme on TV. Every week, they interview I interviewed a famous person. Last week they interview I interviewed my favourite film star.

8 The teacher was surprised yesterday when Johnny asks I asked a question. Johnny never asks I asked questions in class!

3 Read the story. Write one of the verbs in each space — but you have to unjumble the letters!


















Last night I 1studied for two hours in my bedroom. I was very tired. I 2... to go out - I needed some fresh air. I 3... out of our house and I 4... to walk along my street. Suddenly a car 5... near me. Two men 6... out of the car. They 7... at a boy: ’Get in the car!’ The boy was frightened and he 8... to run away. But the men 9... him into the car and the car drove away.

I 10... the car for 100 metres, but it was too fast. So I 11... the police. When the police 12... they 13... me lots of questions. The first question was: ’What’s your name?’ The second question was: ’What 14... here?’ The third question was: ’Sally! Do you want your dinner?’ It was a strange question. I 15... round - my mother was at my bedroom door. ’Sally - you were asleep!’ she said. We 16... a lot. It was just a dream!