Past simple – irregular verbs

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Past simple – irregular verbs

Irregular verbs don't form the past simple with -ed. Learn these forms carefully.


1 Underline the irregular verb in each sentence.

1 They went to the park and hired a boat

2 He sat on the chair and waited.

3 They watched TV and ate a pizza.

4 She walked into the house and put her bag down.

5 I phoned Jane and told her everything.

6 He said he wanted an ice cream.

7 We held hands and talked for hours.

8 I arrived early and had a hot dog.

2 Write the verbs into the correct column and then write the past form.


















3 Unscramble the letters and read the beginning of the story.

1 It was midnight and the telephone gran. - rang.

2 I rehad it and picked it up. — ...

3 It saw a man. — ...

4 He adh a strange voice. — ...

5 He dolt me to go to the park. — ...

6 I tefl the house. — ...

7 I newt to the park. — ...

8 I tern the man. — ...

9 He vage me a box. — ...

10 Then he nar away. — ...


4 Split the wordsnake into the past tense forms of eight verbs.


5 Use the words from 4 to complete the end of the story.

1 I held the box in my hands.

2 I ... it home.

3 I ... it on the table.

4 I ... down.

5 I ... the lid off the box

6 I ... a beautiful scarf inside.

7 There ... also a note.

8 It ... ’Happy Birthday' from dad.


6 Read the left side of the table and write the times under the pictures.



7 Now complete the right side table and then answer the question. Check below to see if you were right.

Answer: Yesterday the clocks went back but Alan forgot change his.

8 Complete the story with the past forms of the verbs.

Somebody 1followed (follow) Jack all the way home. What 2... (be) it? A man? A dog? An alien? Jack 3... (hurry) and then he 4... (run) the last 50 m to his door. Jack 5... (open) the front door and 6... (walk) inside just as the storm 7... (start). He 8 ... (be) happy to be home.

It 9... (be) very dark and cold outside. It 10... (be) warm inside. He 11... (make) a cup of coffee and 12... (sit) down on his big red sofa. He 13... (turn) on the TV. Channel 1 - a man on a sofa in front of the TV, boring. He 14... (change) the channel. Channel 2 - the same thing; a man on a sofa in front of the TV. That 15... (be) strange. Channel 3 - the same again. Channel 4, 5, 6. ... Jack 16... (take) out his phone to call his friend. He 17... (notice) that the man on the TV 18... (do) the same thing.

Jack 19... (get) up. The man on the TV 20... (get) up too. He 21... (sit) down again and the TV man 22... (sit) down too. Jack 23... (wave) at the TV, the man 24... (wave) back. And then Jack 25... (know). The man on the TV 26... (be) him. The ’TV Jack’ 27... (turn) around. Jack 28... (watch) and 29... (see) there was somebody in the house with ’TV Jack’. Then Jack 30... (hear) a noise in his house. He 31... (turn) around too. He 32… (be) not alone.


9 Use words from the three columns to write 12 sentences about the story in 8.


Jack ran to his front door.


10 Complete the sentences so that they are true about you.

Yesterday, I ...

1 (get up) got up at 8 a.m.

2 (watch) ...

3 (eat) ...

4 (be) ...

5 (meet) ...

6 (do) ...

7 (ring) ...

8 (go to bed) ...