Linking words (and, but, because)

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Linking words (and, but, because)

The linking words and, but, because are used to connect two sentences.


1 Match the pictures and the sentences.


1 The test was easy and I felt happy.

2 I went to bed because I was tired.

3 I ate everything and felt sick.

4 I turned off the TV and read a book.

5 I went to bed but I wasn’t tired.

6 The test was easy but I forgot everything.

7 I ate everything because it was delicious.

8 I turned on the TV because I was bored.

2 Match the sentence halves. Draw lines.


3 Underline the correct word.

1 I don’t want Paul at my party because / and I don’t like him.

2 Mum gave me a sandwich but I because I wasn’t hungry.

3 I wasn't hungry but I because I felt sick.

4 He left the house and I but went for a walk.

5 I went for a walk and I but it was too cold and I went back home.

6 I opened the window and I because I was hot.

4 Complete the sentences with and, but and because. Use each word once with every set of sentences.

1 He went to the shop ...

... bought an ice cream.

... it was closed.

... he wanted to get some milk.

2 We watched the film ...

... then went for some dinner.

... we had nothing to do.

... we thought it was boring.

3 I held her hand ...

... I like her.

... kissed her.

... I don’t really like her.

4 I ordered a big pizza ...

... I was really hungry.

... ate all of it.

... it wasn’t very good.

5 I bought the book ...

... read it in one day.

... I never read it.

... I really enjoyed the film.

6 I ran to the bus stop ...

... I missed the bus.

... jumped on the bus.

... I was late.

7 He sat down on the sofa ...

... read a book.

... it wasn’t very comfortable.

... he was tired.

8 I rang Jenny ...

... she wasn't at home.

... invited her to my party.

... I needed to talk to her.

5 Complete the story with but, because or and.

I phoned Anne at home 1because I wanted to invite her to the cinema later that day. The phone rang 2... nobody answered it. ’Try her mobile’ my mum said. ’I can’t 3... I haven’t got her number’.

’Call Tom 4... ask him’ said mum. I called Tom 5... he didn’t know her number. Great! I turned on my computer 6... I wanted to send her an invitation by email. 7... there was a problem with the phone line 8... I couldn’t send my invitation. I decided to cycle to her house. I was tired when I got there 9... she lives 8 km from my house. I knocked on the door 10... nobody came. I left a note on her door 11... cycled home. It started to rain 12... I got really wet.

Anne wasn’t at the cinema 13... on Monday at school I asked her what happened.

’What cinema?’ she asked.

’I left a note on your door.’ I told her.

’Oh, that. The rain washed away the writing 14... I couldn’t read anything.’