Past simple – negation with did

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Past simple – negation with did


Use did not (didn't) to form the past simple negative.


1 Read the sentences. Are they about the past or the present?


2 Tick the correct sentence for each picture.


3 Underline the correct word.

1 Sam didn’t like / liked the party.

2 She didn’t have I had a new dress to wear.

3 Tom didn’t talk I talked to her.

4 She didn’t danced I dance with Tom.

5 She didn’t even sat I sit next to Tom.

6 She didn’t liked I like the food.

7 She didn’t knew I know many people.

8 She didn’t stay I stayed very late.

4 Change the sentences to make them positive and complete the poem.


5 Complete the sentences with the negative forms of the verbs.


6 Match the sentences and the pictures.


1 They caught the bus.

2 I didn’t find my watch.

3 They finished their dinner.

4 I didn’t get a lot of presents.

5 They didn’t finish their dinner.

6 I got lots of presents.

7 They didn’t catch the bus.

8 I found my watch.

7 Complete the dialogue with the phrases in the box.

didn’t go

you didn't

didn't see

I didn’t know

didn’t read

I didn’t bought you

Were you

didn’t look


Jenny Happy birthday, brother. Open it.

Paul The new Seal CD. Hmmm.

Jenny What's the matter. Don't you like it?

Paul 1... in my room last week?

Jenny No, I 2... in your room last week. Why?

Paul And you didn’t look on my desk.

Jenny No, I 3... on your desk.

Paul................................ And 4... open my diary.

Jenny No, I 5... your diary.

Paul And you 6... my birthday list in it.

Jenny No, 7... you had a birthday list.

Paul So you didn’t know that I wanted the new Vampire Weekend CD.

Jenny No, 8... know that you wanted that.

Paul And that’s why you 9... this Seal CD.

Jenny Yes. That’s why I 10... the Seal CD.

Paul Well, I hate Seal. Next year remember to look in my secret diary.

Jenny Paul, you're weird!

8 Complete the sentences with the negative forms of the verbs.

1 They liked the new Bourne film but they didn’t like the new James Bond.

2 She invited my brother to her party but she ... me!

3 I saw Fred at the party but I ... his girlfriend.

4 We enjoyed the book but we ... the film.

5 You said you were wrong but you ... sorry.

6 I watched the news but I ... the film after it.

7 We went to the shopping centre but we ... to the cinema.

8 He ate the broccoli but he ... the carrots.

9 Complete the sentences with the negative forms of the verbs in the box.










10 Complete the story with the past forms of the verbs.

Once upon a time a neighbour 1found (find) Nasruddin in his garden.

’What are you doing in my garden?’ the neighbour 2... (ask) Nasruddin.

Nasruddin 3... (not hear) his neighbour so his neighbour 4... (speak) again.

This time Nasruddin 5... (hear) his neighbour. ’I’m sorry’, he said. ’I am looking for my key.’

His neighbour 6... (offer) to help him. They 7... (look) everywhere but they 8... (not find) the key.

’Are you sure you 9... (drop) your key in my garden?’ the neighbour said.

’Oh no.’ replied Nasruddin. I ’10... (lose) the key in my garden.’

’But why are you looking in my garden?’11... (ask) the neighbour.

’Because there is more light in your garden,’ Nasruddin 12... (tell) him.


11 Use the verbs in the box in the past tense to complete the story.



not dean





not want


not like




Once upon a time Nasruddin 1... to build a pond in his garden. He 2... a big hole and 3... all the dirt on the road outside his neighbour’s house. His neighbour wasn’t happy. He 4... the mess and he didn’t want it outside his house. He 5... Nasruddin to clean up the dirt. Nasruddin 6 ... . He didn’t think the road was a mess and he 7... up the dirt. The next day his neighbour asked him again. He was very angry now and Nasruddin was a bit nervous. He 8... to fight his neighbour and he promised to clean up the mess.

The next day when he 9... home, the neighbour 10... Nasruddin in the middle of a new big hole. ’What are you doing? Are you crazy?’ his neighbour 11... ’Why are you digging another hole?’ ’I’m digging this hole,’ Nasruddin 12... ’to put the dirt from the other hole in.’
