Plural nouns – irregular plurals

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Plural nouns – irregular plurals


Plural nouns

To form the plural in English you normally add an -s. If a word ends in consonant + y, you change the -y to -ies.

a dog - 4 dogs

a snake - 7 snakes

a toy - 4 toys

a baby - 8 babies

Irregular plurals

There are a few exceptions! It's a good idea to learn the plural forms together with the singular forms.

a child - two children

a fish - three fish

a mouse - two mice

a foot - two feet

1 Match.

1 a frog

2 five frogs

3 two frogs

4 a baby

5 three babies

6 four gorillas

7 a gorilla

8 a banana

9 five bananas

10 eight bananas

11 a snake

12 six snakes


2 Write the words.


3 Write the plural nouns.

1 Do you like dogs? (dog)

2 I don’t like ... very much. (pony)

3 There are two ... in the garden. (cat)

4 My mother’s friend has got three ...! (baby)

5 Let’s go to the pet shop and buy two white ...! (mouse)

6 I’ve got two ... in a cage in my room. (hamster)

7 My pet bat eats ... . (insect)

8 My dad’s got really big ...! (foot)

9 My friend Jim has got four blue-and-yellow ... in a tank. (fish)

10 My aunt and uncle have got three ... . (child)