Tests Answer Key

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Tests Answer Key

Test 1

1 1 am 2 are 3 is 4 is 5 are 6 are

2 1 Is my friend here? 2 Are your brothers at school? 3 Is his mother in the kitchen? 4 Are my grandparents at home? 5 Is their father hungry? 6 Are we lost in the forest?

3 1 There is 2 There are 3 Is there 4 There is 5 Are there 6 There is

4 1 late 2 kind of you 3 035-12965 4 fine 5 a good idea 6 time to get up

5 2 d 3 g 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 f

6 1 it is 2 to be 3 is 4 are 5 you are 6 you are 7 is 8 is 9 you are 10 are

7 1 There are 2 Is there 3 are 4 Isn’t there 5 are 6 There is

8 1 It’s 2 it’s 3 that’s 4 It’s 5 That’s 6 It’s

9 Correct order: 4, 3, 6, 1, 2, 5, 7

Mike: I’m fine, thanks. And you?

Sally: I’m very well. What is that on the table?

Mike: It’s a cake.

Sally: Who is it for?

Mike: It’s for you. Happy birthday, Sally!

Sally: Thanks, Mike. It’s very kind of you.

Test 2

1 1 ’ve got 2 ’ve got 3 ’s got 4 have got 5 ’s got 6 ’s got

2 1 Has he got a pet? Yes, he has. 2 Have the boys got a football? No, they haven’t. 3 Has Angela got a warm hat? No, she hasn’t. 4 Have we got enough milk? Yes, we have. 5 Has the rabbit got any carrots? No, it hasn’t. 6 Has Emily got long hair? No, she hasn’t.

3 2 f 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 g 7 e

4 1 lunch 2 headache 3 party 4 holiday 5 good time 6 drink

5 1 has got 2 hasn’t, got 3 has got 4 has, got 5 hasn’t got

6 1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 yes 5 yes 6 no 7 no 8 yes 9 yes 10 yes

7 1 Have you got 2 school bag 3 Have you got 4 school books 5 Have you got 6 mobile phone 7 I’ve got 8 phone number 9 have you got 10 bus ticket

8 1 has he got for his lunch 2 have you got your English lesson 3 has she got her hat on 4 have you got your bus home 5 have you got with you

Test 3

1 1 runs 2 carries 3 eats 4 studies 5 does 6 teaches

2 1 don’t go 2 doesn’t watch 3 don’t catch 4 doesn’t do, doesn’t play 5 don’t finish

3 1 Do you do your homework on Sundays? 2 Do they go to the cinema every Friday? 3 Does he write e-mails every day? 4 Do we know a man called Roberts? 5 Does she wash her/the car on Sunday mornings? 6 Do you cook dinner on weekdays?

4 1 Mick never stays out late on school nights. 2 Do you always go swimming on Saturday? 3 The boys don’t often play tennis in the park. 4 We usually visit our grandparents on Sundays. 5 She sometimes stays with us at the weekend. 6 I rarely go shopping in town now.

5 2 e 3 a 4 g 5 c 6 b 7 f

6 1 do you travel 2 I, come 3 do you wake up 4 I get up 5 I run

7 1 he usually goes into town with friends. 2 On Saturday evening he sometimes watches a DVD with his parents. 3 he always gets up late and does his homework. 4 On Sunday afternoon he sometimes visits his grandparents. 5 On Sunday evening he usually e-mails his friends and surfs the internet.

8 1 watches TV for about 8-10 hours a week. 2 use the computer for about 10-15 hours a week. 3 spend about 5-8 hours a week 4 spends about 6-8 hours a week 5 does homework for about 6-10 hours a week/does sport for about 2 hours a week... (personal choice)

Test 4

1 1 are playing 2 is studying 3 are cutting 4 are coming 5 is travelling 6 is lying

2 1 How is she travelling to Rome? 2 Where are they going tomorrow? 3 When is Paul arriving at the station? 4 Who are we meeting next? 5 Why is she baking a cake now? 6 How are they getting to school today?

3 1 Is Georgia reading the paper right now? No, she isn’t. 2 Are you doing your homework now? Yes, I am. 3 Is she feeding the cat at the moment? No, she isn’t. 4 Are we putting up the decorations today? Yes, we are. 5 Is Dan flying to France on Monday? Yes, he is. 6 Are you taking a shower now? No, I’m not.

4 1 N 2 F 3 LP 4 F 5 F 6 LP

5 1 Steve usually sleeps late on Sunday, but today he’s getting up at six o’clock because he’s flying to France. 2 Jane usually meets her mother for lunch but today she isn’t meeting her because she’s working on a new project in her office. 3 Paul usually plays tennis on Tuesday evenings but tonight he’s taking his wife to the theatre. 4 Liz usually cooks dinner for her friends on Saturdays but tonight they’re inviting her to a restaurant. 5 Bill usually goes to the stadium on Saturday afternoons but today he’s staying at home because he feels ill.

6 1 Rob and June are playing tennis. 2 June and Kay are having dinner. 3 Kay is studying biology all day. 4 Rob is watching TV all evening. 5 June is going to bed.

7 1What are Tom and Rob doing at two o’clock in the afternoon? While Tom is going to town, Rob is playing tennis with June. 2 What are June and Kay doing at two o’clock in the afternoon? While June is playing tennis with Rob, Kay is studying biology. 3 What are Rob and Kay doing at six o’clock in the evening? While Rob is watching TV, Kay is having dinner with June. 4 What are Tom and June doing at ten o’clock in the evening? While Tom is playing computer games, June is going to bed. 5 What are Rob and Kay doing at ten o’clock in the evening? While Rob is watching TV, Kay is studying biology.

Test 5

1 1 was 2 were 3 Was 4 were 5 Were 6 was

2 1 travelled 2 hurried 3 visited 4 loved 5 failed 6 stayed

3 /t/ walked, picked, fixed, kissed; /d/ tried, rained, opened, closed; /Id/ repeated, attended, wanted, waited

4 1 Did they visit Paris? Yes, they did. 2 Did he go by car? No, he didn’t. 3 Did she like the museum? Yes, she did. 4 Did you swim in the sea? No, I/we didn’t. 5 Did he enjoy flying? Yes, he did. 6 Did your brother like the holiday? No, he didn’t.

5 1 went 2 camped 3 found 4 enjoyed 5 used 6 left 7 took 8 wanted 9 was 10 saw 11 thought 12 was 13 meant 14 had 15 returned

6 Correct order: 3, 1, 5, 2, 4. First he visited a travel agent’s to get some brochures. Then he booked his holiday. Next he went to a sports shop and bought some skis. After that he flew to his resort in the Dolomites. Finally he had some ski lessons on the beginners’ slopes.

7 1 met 2 told me 3 had some pizza 4 danced a waltz 5 played some songs 6 left the party

Test 6

1 1 He used to read comics when he was a child. 2 They used to cry a lot when they were little. 3 Did you use to like cartoons when you were young? 4 Did your dog use to chase you when it was a puppy? 5 I didn’t use to have many toys when I was a child. 6 We didn’t use to have a lot of friends when we lived there.

2 1 were playing 2 was baking 3 was studying 4 were helping 5 was washing 6 were watching

3 1 was having, rang 2 was carrying, fell 3 were driving, had 4 were making, arrived 5 was cleaning, came 6 was sleeping, bit

4 1 was, travelling 2 were, walking 3 was, cooking 4 were, thinking 5 was, talking 6 were, living

5 2+7 While Lara and Sue were sunbathing on the beach, Sally was shopping in town. 3+8 While Jane was eating ice cream in the street, Mary was writing postcards. 4+9 While Mick was drinking cola in a cafe, Sam and Liz were buying souvenirs. 5+10 While Bill and Andy were eating sandwiches on the beach, Pete, Jim and Ron were playing football. 11+12 While Annie and Sarah were sleeping on the beach, Steve and Rob were building a sandcastle.

6 1 was sitting 2 were, talking 3 were drinking 4 were looking 5 were waiting 6 was coming 7 were, talking 8 were having

7 1 did, use to play 2 would play/used to play 3 did, use to do 4 didn’t use to have 5 did, use to have 6 would make/used to make

Test 7

1 1 begun 2 chosen 3 come 4 done 5 fallen 6 flown 7 forgotten 8 given 9 seen 10 shaken 11 spoken 12 stolen

2 1 Have, seen 2 haven’t finished 3 has won 4 have visited 5 hasn’t read 6 Have, bought

3 1 They haven’t done their homework yet. 2 He has just finished mending his bike. 3 Have you washed your hair yet? 4 Has Susan already made her bed?/Has Susan made her bed already? 5 Dave still hasn’t given me my CD back. 6 The boys have already gone home./The boys have gone home already.

4 1 never 2 before 3 ever 4 recently 5 today 6 often

5 1 for 2 since 3 for 4 for 5 since 6 since

6 1 How long have you used Photoshop? 2 How long has your office had Microsoft Vista? 3 How long have you wanted to change jobs? 4 How long has Mr Watson been the office manager? 5 How long have you disliked Mr Watson? 6 How long have you tried to get a job in our department?

7 1 went 2 did you visit 3 were 4 travelled 5 have, seen 6 was 7 have, planned 8 have organised 9 have, decided 10 have never visited 11 has been 12 told

8 1 just 2 recently 3 since 4 not, yet 5 already 6 for

Test 8

1 1 have been going 2 Have, been eating 3 has, been working 4 have been coming 5 have been using 6 has, been doing

2 1 has known 2 have been watching 3 have been 4 have been waiting 5 have been reading 6 has owned

3 1 had understood 2 had had 3 had worked 4 had, begun 5 hadn’t studied 6 had worried

4 1 had been waiting, arrived 2 had been thinking, rang 3 had been hoping, failed 4 had been doing, exploded 5 had been trying, finished 6 had been talking, went off

5 1 have, been studying 2 have, been looking/looked 3 have been reading 4 has been showing/shown 5 have, found 6 have, been discussing

6 1 had, been 2 had, played 3 had left 4 started 5 had been wondering 6 met

7 1 Jill had been studying German for four years before she took the exam. 2 Danny has been living in London since January. 3 Bob had been having dance lessons for a year before he met Janet. 4 Bill has been playing the guitar since he was six.

Test 9

1 1 He’s going to play for our team tomorrow. 2 When are you going to go to Moscow? 3 They aren’t going to watch the Olympics this year. 4 We are going to take my mother to the seaside. 5 She isn’t going to write her essay tonight. 6 Where are they going to stay in Italy?

2 1 will come 2 will be 3 Will, join 4 won’t phone 5 Will, marry 6 won’t arrive

3 1 are going to stay 2 ’ll go 3 won’t help 4 are, going to do 5 won’t get 6 is going to retire

4 1 are going to 2 will 3 is going to 4 will 5 is going to 6 is going to

5 2 g 3 b 4 e 5 a 6 c 7 f

6 1 Yes, they are. 2 Yes, I will. 3 No, I’m not. 4 No, they won’t. 5 Yes, I do. 6 No, he isn’t.

7 1 will, be 2 is going to close 3 will, come 4 are going to hold 5 will calm 6 will go

8 1 am going to study 2 will go 3 will you get 4 will find 5 Are, going to go 6 am going to try/will try

Test 10

1 1 are going 2 comes 3 see 4 are, watching 5 meet 6 leaves

2 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 B

3 1 will be seeing 2 will be having 3 will be watching 4 will be giving 5 will be playing 6 will be lying

4 1 will have received 2 will have made 3 will have operated 4 will have taken 5 will have started 6 will have saved

5 1 will be lying 2 are going to do 3 are meeting 4 get 5 will have finished 6 ’ll pay 7 will walk

6 1 when 2 at three o’clock 3 By this time 4 before 5 In two months’ time 6 when I go out

7 1 I haven’t really decided yet. Perhaps I’ll go skiing in the Alps. 2 Only when I’m sure the snow conditions are good. It will say on the Internet. 3 I won’t need to, Chris. I’ll drive to Italy, and stay at my friend Paolo’s. 4 Really? Where are you going? 5 Wow! India... lucky you!

Test 11

1 1 Come, an invitation 2 Give, a request 3 Drink, some advice 4 Turn, an instruction 5 Enjoy, a wish 6 Have, an offer

2 1 to play 2 to solve 3 to finish 4 to leave 5 to help 6 to study

3 1 listening 2 exciting 3 exercising 4 going 5 walking 6 baking

4 1 to wear 2 dancing 3 shopping 4 to come 5 to understand 6 watching

5 2 f 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 c 7 d

6 1 Because I’d like to see the countryside. It’s very beautiful. 2 We’ve got nothing else to do at the weekend, so let’s just try it! 3 Yes, but it’s no use sitting and waiting for it to change. 4 OK, but don’t blame me if it’s horrible.

7 1 sit down, open your books 2 help me do the washing-up 3 stop smoking 4 have a cake 5 don’t fancy going skiing 6 to buy a new mountain bike.

Test 12

1 1 Can the boys play rugby? Yes, they can. 2 Can a rabbit fly? No, it can’t. 3 Can you speak English? Yes, I can. 4 Can we go swimming? No, we/you can’t.

2 1 A 2 A 3 P 4 P 5 R 6 A 7 P 8 R

3 1 Richard couldn’t ride a bike when he was four, but he can ride one now. 2 Alice could climb trees when she was little, but she can’t climb them now. 3 The boys couldn’t play rugby when they were ten, but they can play now. 4 Douglas could draw well at school, but he can’t draw now. 5 Lucy and Jane couldn’t sing when they were young, but they can sing well now. 6 Paul could play chess as a boy, but he can’t play it now.

4 2 c 3 g 4 b 5 a 6 e 7 f

5 1 Well, if you’re going to the supermarket, you might as well get a few other things. 2 OK. Wait a moment. 3 Oh, Mike, you know I can’t make lasagna. What do we need it for? 4 In that case, can you get it from Pasta Express, please?

6 Possible answers: 1 Can you lend/give me £20? 2 Could you put the heating on? 3 Can I go out this evening? 4 Could/Can you give me a lift to town? 5 Could I have a pay rise? 6 Could I have a glass of red/white wine? 7 Could you ski when you were a child? 8 Can I stay up late tonight?

Test 13

1 1 must 2 mustn’t 3 Must 4 must not 5 must 6 Must

2 1 doesn’t have to 2 Does, have to 3 do, have to 4 have to 5 don’t have to 6 have to

3 1 is to 2 are, to 3 aren’t to 4 am to 5 is, to 6 isn’t to

4 1 needs cutting 2 needs cleaning 3 needs painting 4 needs repairing 5 needs digging 6 needs feeding

5 1 He needs to pack his case before he leaves. 2 You will need to study harder for the exams. 3 We needed to pack our cases the day before.

6 1 have to 2 do, have to 3 have to 4 don’t have to 5 have to 6 Do, have to

7 2 g 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 e 7 f

8 1 She mustn’t run. 2 She needs to buy some petrol. 3 She doesn’t need to get up./She doesn’t have to get up. 4 He mustn’t use his mobile phone. 5 She doesn’t need to take her umbrella. 6 He has to/needs to see his boss today.

9 1 The car needs cleaning. 2 Andy needs to turn down the TV. 3 Lynn needs to wash her jeans.

Test 14

1 1 Shall I put the TV here? C 2 Shall I help you carry your bags? A 3 Where shall we go this evening? D 4 Shall we watch a DVD tonight? B

2 1 We ought to recycle our rubbish. 2 They ought not to drill for oil in Alaska. 3 Ought I to eat only organic food? 4 He ought to buy an electric car. 5 They oughtn’t to waste water.

3 1 ’Had I better travel by bus?’ ’No, you’d better go by train.’ 2 ’Had he better put on his brown jacket?’ ’No, he’d better wear his grey suit.’ 3 ’Had they better get there early?’ ’No, they’d better arrive at ten.’ 4 ’Had I better take something to the party?’ ’Yes, you’d better buy a cake.’ 5 ’Had we better say something to Peter?’ ’No, we’d better keep quiet.’ 6 ’Had she better marry John?’ ’No, she’d better stay single.’

4 1 bound to 2 due to 3 due to 4 bound to 5 bound to

5 1 Would you like a glass of orange juice, Peter? 2 Will you show me your new iPod, Karen? 3 Would you like to go to the Monet exhibition, Tom? 4 Will you come with me to my audition, Jo?

6 1 You had better not drive, Jim. You’d better take the bus or walk. 2 You ought to take a sun hat and sun cream, Jane. 3 You’d better not travel now, Mike. You’d better postpone the trip. 4 You oughtn’t to go into the sea, Diane. You ought to swim in the pool.

7 2 f 3 b 4 g 5 c 6 a 7 e

8 1 He wants to invite her to the cinema. 2 She wants to watch it. 3 She wants to buy it. 4 She wants to go for a walk.

Test 15

1 1 are sold 2 is being decorated 3 is being written 4 are sent 5 is checked 6 are being distributed

2 1 To the Lighthouse was written by Virginia Woolf. 2 A lot of books were sold yesterday. 3 Three of his novels have been published. 4 His manuscript has been being checked for weeks.

3 1 Her next collection of short stories will be set in China. 2 The poems are going to be read by the authors. 3 The books will be printed in Italy. 4 Her new fantasy novel won’t be published before July. 5 Lots of writers are going to be invited to his book launch.

4 1 to be told 2 to have been written 3 to have been read 4 to be liked 5 to be published 6 to have been televised

5 1 He was offered a lift. 2 She is owed £3,000 by her publisher. 3 They are taught creative writing by Mr Jones. 4 I was lent their computer for a month. 5 John was given a book token for his birthday. 6 Sarah has been promised a new job.

6 1 can’t be finished 2 should have been completed 3 couldn’t be delivered 4 ought to have been ordered 5 would have to be done 5 might have been organised

7 1 forced me to go to 2 didn’t make me stay behind 3 won’t let me ride 4 get me to dig 5 didn’t allow him to leave

8 1 a group of people leaving early 2 some candles burning 3 him coming home after midnight

Test 16

1 1 a 2 an 3 a 4 an 5 A 6 a 7 a 8 an 9 an 10 A

2 1 the 2 the 3 the 4 0 5 the 6 0 7 the 8 the 9 0 10 the

3 1 0 2 the 3 the 4 a 5 the 6 0 7 a 8 0 9 the 10 the 11 the 12 0 13 a 14 a 15 a 16 0 17 the 18 0 19 a 20 the

4 1 the 2 0 3 the 4 the 5 0 6 an 7 the 8 a 9 the 10 the 11 0 12 the 13 0 14 an 15 0 16 the 17 0 18 the 19 the 20 the

5 1 the 2 the 3 0 4 the 5 the 6 the 7 the 8 the 9 0 10 the 11 0 12 0 13 the 14 the 15 0 16 0 17 the 18 0 19 the 20 0

6 1 the 2 the 3 a 4 the 5 a 6 a/the 7 a 8 an 9 the 10 the 11 the 12 the 13 0 14 a 15 the 16 the 17 0 18 a 19 a 20 the 21 the 22 the 23 the 24 a 25 the 26 the 27 a 28 the 29 the 30 the 31 the 32 0 33 the 34 0 35 a 36 a 37 the 38 a 39 the 40 a

Test 17

1 1 DVDs 2 apples 3 taxes 4 buses 5 alleys 6 radios

2 /s/ pets, taps, roofs; /z/ rings, pubs, towns, bags, rooms; /Iz/ patches, crashes, axes, classes

3 1 fish 2 curricula 3 passers-by 4 thieves 5 geese 6 information

4 2 f 3 a 4 g 5 c 6 b 7 e

5 1 baker’s 2 Mr Hall’s 3 the teachers’ 4 yesterday’s 5 the dog’s 6 the readers’

6 1 C 2 U 3 U 4 C 5 C 6 U 7 U 8 U 9 C 10 U 11 U 12 C

7 1 plays 2 town’s 3 information 4 release 5 thieves 6 reviews 7 heroes 8 reason 9 exhibition 10 photographs 11 Children’s 12 young 13 friends 14 performances 15 news 16 Mark’s 17 shows 18 tickets 19 times 20 buses

8 1 staff 2 flock 3 swarm 4 team 5 herd 6 government

Test 18

1 1 She is an interesting person. 2 They look very happy. 3 It is a boring film. 4 They seem to be tired. 5 We are good students. 6 Do you feel certain?

2 1 nice blue cotton 2 interesting African wooden 3 small pretty brass 4 lovely old stone 5 tiny yellow electric 6 ancient Greek marble

3 1 more enjoyable 2 hotter 3 emptier 4 whiter 5 more beautiful 6 longer

4 1 birthday 2 apple 3 video 4 summer 5 mobile 6 film

5 1 much 2 fewer 3 many 4 more 5 less 6 much

6 1 the best 2 the most exciting 3 the most famous 4 the richest 5 the most successful 6 biggest 7 the longest 8 the most celebrated

7 1 better 2 more helpful 3 most interesting 4 more efficient 5 hard 6 more 7 easiest 8 fewer 9 healthier 10 more interested

8 1 as many, as 2 as, as 3 more/a lot more 4 fewer 5 less 6 most 7 many 8 more/a lot more 9 how many 10 so many 11 more 12 less

Test 19

1 1 us, your 2 her, it 3 their, They 4 our, it 5 I, my 6 his, them

2 1 himself 2 herself 3 yourself 4 themselves 5 ourselves 6 myself

3 1 everybody 2 neither, nor 3 one 4 both 5 every 6 both

4 1 a little 2 many 3 none 4 much 5 enough 6 either

5 1 somewhere 2 anything 3 everybody/everyone 4 everything 5 anybody/anyone 6 everywhere

6 1 nothing 2 both 3 anywhere/somewhere 4 us 5 That 6 either 7 everybody/everyone 8 anywhere 9 most/all 10 ones 11 everybody/everyone 12 That

7 1 my 2 his 3 somewhere 4 one 5 plenty 6 everything

8 1 anywhere 2 lot of 3 much 4 few 5 each 6 nothing

9 1 anybody/anyone 2 anybody/anyone 3 everywhere 4 Anybody/Anyone 5 nothing 6 somebody/someone

Test 20

1 1 0.38 2 346 AD 3 1,480,000 4 1937 5 -17°C 6 3229488

2 1 twenty-third 23rd 2 eighth 8th 3 ninety-first 91st 4 twelfth 12th 5 thirty-second 32nd 6 fortieth 40th

3 1 (which) 2 (who/whom) 3 whose 4 whose 5 (which) 6 (who/whom)

4 1 My dog, which won a race last week, runs very fast. 2 Paul’s mother, who works in a hospital, broke her leg yesterday. 3 My friend, whose father is a pilot, hates flying. 4 Daisy, who has a lovely voice, is going to sing on TV. 5 My neighbours, who are very noisy, have just bought a stereo. 6 Sam’s computer, which is very old, keeps breaking down.

5 1 why 2 where 3 when 4 where 5 when 6 why

6 1 The person she is waiting for is standing by the door. 2 The platform you are standing on is not the one for Brighton. 3 The game show they were supposed to take part in has just been cancelled. 4 The teacher he has been substituting for is returning tomorrow. 5 The post you were applying for has already been filled. 6 The candidate we were contacted by before the elections has just withdrawn.

7 1 whom 2 whose 3 which 4 where 5 which 6 who

Test 21

1 1 Where 2 What 3 When 4 Why 5 How 6 Which

2 1 tall 2 old 3 often 4 long 5 deep 6 big

3 1 Lions do. 2 The Bakers did. 3 Alice doesn’t. 4 Mike wouldn’t.

4 1 Neither do we. 2 So did they. 3 So does she. 4 Neither did I. 5 Neither will they. 6 So did he.

5 2 a 3 f 4 c 5 g 6 e 7 b

6 1 What 2 When 3 Why 4 whose 5 where 6 who 7 why 8 what 9 how 10 What

7 1 What a great film! 2 How good they are! 3 What a wonderful party! 4 How quiet it is!

8 1 haven’t you 2 Why 3 didn’t I 4 didn’t 5 Who 6 Is she 7 isn’t she 8 So do I

Test 22

1 1 coldly 2 easily 3 nicely 4 helpfully 5 straight 6 well 7 badly 8 early 9 fast 10 shyly

2 1 just 2 always 3 in two weeks’ time 4 yet 5 last month 6 ever

3 1 in 2 between 3 for 4 on 5 before 6 since 7 during 8 until

4 1 Dad cooks lunch for all of us every Sunday. 2 We usually have a snack in the school cafeteria during break. 3 He has always liked waterskiing very much. 4 They would go to work by bicycle when the weather was nice. 5 Not only did he come late every day, but he also never apologised.

5 1 to 2 on 3 on 4 for 5 at 6 for 7 to 8 from 9 by 10 next 11 at 12 from 13 until/to 14 into

6 1 terribly 2 suddenly 3 carefully 4 beautifully 5 excitedly 6 sweetly 7 impatiently 8 disappointedly

7 1 too 2 absolutely 3 almost 4 enough 5 very 6 hardly 7 enough 8 almost

Test 23

1 1 say 2 tell 3 say 4 tell 5 tell 6 say

2 1 The teacher ordered him to sit down and be quiet. 2 Susan advised Lynn to stop smoking. 3 Paul warned June not to go to the beach alone. 4 Father reminded Sandra not to forget her trip money. 5 Bill advised Danny not to go to the disco that night. 6 Anna told Daphne not to go out with Robert Smith.

3 2 f 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 e

4 1 Janet said that she was a waitress at a new restaurant then. 2 Tim said that they had just started buying organic food. 3 Liz said that she was going to go on a gastronomic tour of France. 4 Peter said he would help me with the barbecue the next day. 5 David said Sue cooks/cooked really well. 6 Sarah said she had met Jamie Oliver the week before.

5 1 Paul wanted to know if Alice (had) enjoyed her meal. 2 Jack asked Liza if she had ever eaten a double cheeseburger. 3 Gary wanted to know if Pedro liked drinking beer. 4 Gavin asked Chris if he would cook dinner that night. 5 Patrick wanted to know if June was going to the reception. 6 Helen inquired whether Clara cooked when she was alone.

6 1 Sue said she had wanted to go walking but the weather had been bad. 2 Jane asked what she had done instead. 3 Sue said she had gone to see the new James Bond film with Billy. 4 Jane told her she was going to see it the following week. 5 Sue said she wouldn’t tell her what happens.

7 1 I’m very well, thank you. 2 Can/Could you come and help me this afternoon? 3 I’m very busy this afternoon but I’ll be free tomorrow morning. 4 That’ll be fine. 5 What time shall/should I come to your house? 6 Around ten o’clock is best.

Test 24

1 1 When the baby cries, we wake up. 2 If you cut yourself, it hurts. 3 When the sun comes up, it gets warmer. 4 If he needs food, he shops at the market. 5 When she tries, she can do it. 6 If Mike argues, I get angry.

2 2 g 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 e 7 c

3 1 bought, would look 2 trained, would win 3 didn’t go, would be 4 left, would arrive 5 wasn’t/weren’t, would feel 6 drove, would be

4 2 c 3 g 4 e 5 a 6 b 7 f

5 1 wouldn’t have broken 2 hadn’t been skiing 3 wouldn’t have started 4 do 5 will be 6 have 7 will go 8 were 9 would go 10 get 11 will be 12 wouldn’t dare

6 1 If I were you, I’d find an instructor. 2 If I were her, I’d look at newspaper adverts. 3 If I were you, I’d search the web. 4 If I were them, I’d move to the country. 5 If I were him, I’d go rafting on the Tara River in Serbia. 6 If I were you, I’d join Greenpeace.

7 1 He wishes he could play the violin. 2 She wishes she hadn’t eaten so much. 3 I wish you could/would help me. 4 If only I could fly a plane. 5 If only she didn’t/wouldn’t bite her nails. 6 We wish we hadn’t wasted so much time.

Test 25

1 1 but 2 despite 3 neither 4 or 5 Although 6 on the other hand

2 1 Then 2 After that 3 Next 4 and 5 Then 6 and finally

3 1 childish 2 shopkeeper 3 edible 4 hopeless 5 Japanese 6 medical

4 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b

5 1 on 2 about 3 in 4 at 5 after 6 for

6 2 f 3 a 4 h 5 g 6 e 7 c 8 b

7 1 take off 2 call off 3 cut off 4 keep off 5 make out 6 come up with 7 hasn’t turned up 8 put off

8 1 across 2 down 3 up with 4 in 5 out 6 up with 7 down with

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TOP Grammar is a grammar reference book for students of English from elementary level (A1) to upper-intermediate level (B2). It is comprehensive, clear, flexible and easy to use.

TOP Grammar is ideal for individual study, for use in class or for exam preparation.

TOP Grammar offers the student clear grammar explanations with examples and more than 900 exercises. Each of the 132 units is clearly laid out, with grammar rules on the left and exercises on the right. Each unit, as well as a grammar focus, covers a specific lexical area.

At the end of each of the 25 sections, there is a two-page Review with revision exercises.

There are also 14 sections of exam exercises that prepare the student for PET and FCE exams.

TOP Grammar components:

Student’s Book

CD-ROM with 300 extra exercises and pronunciation, vocabulary and dictation practice

Teacher’s Book with

- teaching tips for using TOP Grammar at home and in the class

- 25 tests, one for each grammar section

- Answer key to all the exercises and tests

Answer key also available as a separate booklet.
