Test 25 Units 124-132

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 25 Units 124-132

1 Complete the sentences using the connectors in the box.


I am going to the beach and my friend is coming, too.

1 I wanted to send an e-mail ... my computer wasn’t working.

2 I managed to communicate ... not speaking the same language.

3 We ... play tennis nor do we watch games on TV.

4 Do you want to stay in New York ... would you rather fly to Boston today?

5 ... it was cold, we still went for a long walk.

6 I loved the new space film; my friend, ..., hated it!

2 Complete the text with sequencers and connectors where appropriate.

First, I took my laptop out of its case. (1) ... I attached the power cable to it.

(2) ... I switched it on. (3) ... I opened my e-mail folder. I read my e-mails

(4) ... later wrote some new ones. (5) ... I sent the e-mails to my friends

(6) ... I switched the computer off.

3 Complete the nouns and adjectives with the suffixes in the box.


A human emotion: happiness

1 Describing an adult who behaves like a child: chil...

2 Someone working in a shop: shopkeep ...

3 Describing something that can be eaten: ed...

4 Describing someone or something without hope: hope...

5 A person from Japan: Japan...

6 Something to do with medicine: med...

4 Choose the correct sentence, (a) or (b).


5 Choose the correct preposition.

I don’t agree (with) / on him.

1 I depend with / on her for everything.

2 He asked me after / about my plans for the future.

3 It’s difficult to know what to believe on / in nowadays.

4 What are you laughing on / at?

5 Could you look after / about my dog for me, please?

6 Will you pay with / for it, or shall I?

6 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 I was very surprised

2 Paul was frightened

3 Jane is fed up

4 I was very sorry

5 The bus was crowded

6 He was very critical

7 This town is very different

8 The kids are very fond

a with her new job already.

b of model making.

c from the village where I lived.

d at his behaviour.

e of the report I wrote.

f of the characters in the horror film.

g with passengers.

h about what had happened to him.

7 Complete the dialogue using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.


Kate: I must be off in a minute, Steve. I’m seeing James at 7 o’clock.

Steve: Oh, don’t go yet, Kate. Please (1) ... your coat and sit down. And ring to (2) ... the meeting with James. I need your help now.

Kate: What’s the problem?

Steve: Well it’s strange - I was trying to talk to Roberts on his mobile and our call was (3) ... I rang again but there was no answer.

Kate: That is strange - he always answers immediately.

Steve: And then I got this photo in the post this morning - it shows Roberts standing in a park somewhere, and there’s a sign next to him which says (4) ... ’... the grass’. What do you think that means?

Kate: I don’t know - is it a warning? Could you (5) ... anything in the background of the photo?

Steve: Not really. Just a few trees. I’m getting quite worried, you know...

Kate: Well, let’s start thinking. We have to (6) ... some ideas. When did you say you tried to call him?

Steve: Last night. And he (7) ... since then.

Kate: Shall we call the police? This matter can’t be (8) ... any longer.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct particle in the box.


I would be pleased if you brought it up at the meeting.

1 I don’t seem to be able to get my ideas ... .

2 Communication between them has broken ... completely.

3 Do you think you can come ... some new suggestions?

4 Would you fill ... all your details on this form, please?

5 I really can’t make ... a single word he’s saying.

6 He speaks so quickly the interpreter can’t keep ... what he’s saying.

7 The whole family went ... flu last week.