Test 24 Units 119-123

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 24 Units 119-123

1 Use the words to write sentences in the zero conditional.

when / it / rain / the garden / look green

When it rains, the garden looks greener.

1 when / the baby / cry / we / wake up

2 if / you / cut yourself / it / hurt

3 when / the sun / come up / it / get / warmer

4 if / he / need / food / he / shop / at the market

5 when / she / try / she / can / do / it

6 if / Mike / argue / I / get / angry

2 Match the two parts of sentences. They are in the first conditional.

1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 If it snows tomorrow,

2 If you burn the cakes,

3 If he doesn’t train harder,

4 If she applies,

5 If they don’t come soon,

6 If it’s OK with you,

7 If I finish work tonight,

a he’ll never get in the team.

b we’ll leave without them.

c I’ll have some free time tomorrow.

d we’ll ski on the hill.

e I’ll meet you at five.

f she’ll probably get the job.

g nobody will eat them.

3 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets, using the second conditional.

If he worked (work) harder, he would earn (earn) more money.

1 If he ... (buy) some new clothes, he ... (look) better.

2 If they ... (train) harder, they ... (win) more games.

3 If the kids ... (not go) to sleep so late, it ... (be) easier to wake them up in the morning.

4 If we ... (leave) at 7 a.m., we ... (arrive) on time.

5 If our coach ... (not be) so tough, we ... (feel) less nervous during the matches.

6 If he ... (drive) slowly, he ... (be) less stressed.

4 Match the two parts of the sentences. They are in the third conditional.

1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 If he had driven more carefully,

2 If you hadn’t eaten so much,

3 If she had sung better,

4 If we hadn’t started so late,

5 If it had rained more,

6 If I had explained it better,

7 If you had run,

a the flowers would have grown faster.

b you would have understood.

c you wouldn’t feel ill.

d he wouldn’t have crashed.

e we would have been there by now.

f you would have caught the bus.

g she would have got into the choir.

5 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Hugh: So how are you, Mike?

Mike: Terrible.

Hugh: Well, I did tell you. If you hadn’t gone. (not go) snowboarding you (1) ... (not break) your hip!

Mike: It wasn’t the snowboarding, Hugh. If I (2) ... (not ski) off piste then the avalanche (3) ... (not start).

Hugh: Anyway, now if you (4) ... (do) what the doctors tell you, you (5) ... (be) out of hospital in three weeks.

Mike: But if I (6) ... (have) to stay in hospital that long I (7) ... (go) mad!

Hugh: Yes, I understand. If I (8) ... (be) to stay here for three weeks, I (9) ... (go) crazy, too!

Mike: You wait, as soon as I (10) ... (get) out, I (11) ... (be) straight back on my snowboard!

Hugh: You (12) ... (dare), would you?

6 Offer advice for the following situations. Use If I were... and the suggestions in brackets.

Paul feels sick and has a temperature. (you / bed)

If I were you, I’d go to bed.

1 Mark wants to start hang-gliding. (you / find an instructor)

2 Jane doesn’t like her job. (her / look at newspaper adverts)

3 Pat wants to go on safari but can’t find anyone to go with. (you / search the web)

4 Bill and Zoe don’t like city life. (them / move to the country)

5 Jack wants to try rafting. (him / go rafting on the Tara River in Serbia)

6 Alison is worried about the future of the planet. (you / join Greenpeace)

7 Use the words to write sentences which express wishes or regret.

I / wish / could / try / parachuting

I wish I could try parachuting.

1 He / wish / could / play / violin

2 She / wish / had / not eat / so much

3 I / wish / you / help / me

4 If only / I / could / fly / plane

5 If only / she / not / bite / nails

6 We / wish / had / not waste / so much / time