Test 23 Units 115-118

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 23 Units 115-118

1 Choose the correct alternative, say or tell.

Can you say / (tell) me how much these apples cost, please?

1 No, she didn’t say / tell where the fish came from.

2 Did I say / tell you about the restaurant I went to last week?

3 If you see Martin, please say / tell thank you for last night’s party.

4 Can you say / tell the difference between Stilton and Gorgonzola?

5 I went back to say / tell the chef how nice the dinner had been.

6 Could you say / tell something about your marvellous recipes?

2 Change these instructions and advice into reported speech. Use the words in brackets.

Doctor: ’Take the tablets twice a day.’ (tell / me)

The doctor told me to take the tablets twice a day.

1 Teacher: ’Sit down and be quiet.’ (order / him)

2 Susan: ’I should stop smoking if I were you.’ (advise / Lynn)

3 Paul: ’You’d better not go to the beach alone.’ (warn / June)

4 Father: ’Don’t forget your trip money.’ (remind / Sandra)

5 Bill: ’I wouldn’t go to the disco tonight.’ (advise / Danny)

6 Anna: ’Don’t go out with Robert Smith!’ (tell / Daphne)

3 Match the time expressions used in direct speech 1 - 6 with those used in reported speech a - f.

1 d 2 3 4 5 6

1 today

a the year after

2 last week

b the next day

3 next year

c the day before

4 tomorrow

d that day

5 yesterday

e then

6 now

f the week before

4 Change these statements into reported speech introduced by said.

Mike: ’I live in the city centre.’

Mike said that he lived in the city centre.

1 Janet: ’I’m a waitress at a new restaurant now.’

2 Tim: ’We’ve just started buying organic food.’

3 Liz: ’I’m going to go on a gastronomic tour of France.’

4 Peter: ’I’ll help you with the barbecue tomorrow.’

5 David: ’Sue cooks really well.’

6 Sarah: ’I met Jamie Oliver last week’.

5 Change the questions into reported speech. Use the suggestions in brackets, as in the example.

Dave: ’Do you like seafood, Liz?’ (asked)

Dave asked Liz if she liked seafood.

1 Paul: Did you enjoy your meal, Alice? (wanted to know)

2 Jack: Have you ever eaten a a double cheeseburger, Liza? (asked)

3 Gary: Do you like drinking beer, Pedro? (wanted to know)

4 Gavin: Will you cook dinner tonight, Chris? (asked)

5 Patrick: Are you going to the reception, June? (wanted to know)

6 Helen: Does Clara cook when she is alone? (inquired)

6 Change this dialogue into reported speech.

Jane: What did you do on Sunday, Sue?

Sue: I wanted to go walking, but the weather was bad.

Jane: What did you do instead?

Sue: I went to see the new James Bond film with Billy.

Jane: I’m going to see it next week.

Sue: I won’t tell you what happens!

Jane asked Sue what she had done on Sunday.

1 ...

2 ...

3 ...

4 ...

5 ...

7 Write the dialogue in direct speech.

Lucy wanted to know how Peter was. (1) Peter informed her that he was very well and thanked her. (2) Lucy wanted to know if Peter could come and help her that afternoon. (3) Peter said that he was very busy that afternoon but would be free the next morning. (4) Lucy replied that the next morning would be fine. (5) Peter inquired what time he should go to her house. (6) Lucy answered that around ten o’clock was best.

Lucy: How are you, Peter?

Peter: 1 ...

Lucy: 2 ...

Peter: 3 ...

Lucy: 4 ...

Peter: 5 ...

Lucy: 6 ...