Test 22 Units 103-114

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 22 Units 103-114

1 Write the adverbs which correspond to these adjectives.

quiet quietly

1 cold ...

2 easy ...

3 nice ...

4 helpful ...

5 straight ...

6 good ...

7 bad ...

8 early ...

9 fast ...

10 shy ...

2 Complete the sentences with the adverbs and time expressions in the box.


Must you go now? Can’t you wait just a few more minutes?

1 I’ve ... baked some cakes ... you can have one as soon as they’re cool.

2 Paul ... gets up at seven o’clock, even at the weekend.

3 Susannah’s going to work in Hollywood ... .

4 Have you seen the new George Clooney film ...?

5 Steve won a prize for his acting ... .

6 Has he ... acted on the London West End stage?

3 Choose the correct preposition.

I went to the shops (at) / in eleven o’clock.

1 He doesn’t like to get up early at / in the morning.

2 She works every day between / until four and eight.

3 He has been living here for / since ages.

4 Can you come round to my house at / on Sunday?

5 Don’t forget to check your travel documents before / after your journey.

6 He’s been working on that story for / since seven o’clock.

7 I’m going to have a nice rest during / between the holidays.

8 She won’t be able to meet us within / until Friday.

4 Rearrange the words and write sentences.

train - last - went - to - Pat - by - Edinburgh - week

Pat went to Edinburgh by train last week.

1 Dad - lunch - cooks - all - of - for - every - us - Sunday

2 usually - We - a - in - have - during - the - school - snack - cafeteria - break

3 waterskiing - liked - He - always - very - has - much

4 go - by - They - would - to - bicycle - was - the - work - weather - nice - when

5 only - did - Not - come - he - late - day - every, - he - also - but - apologised - never

5 Complete the dialogue with the appropriate prepositions.

Don: So what did you do at the weekend, Sam?

Sam: I went (1) ... a party (2) ... Friday night, so I got up very late (3) ... Saturday morning. I had just finished having a shower when Patsy arrived. I hadn’t seen her (4) ... two weeks, so we had a lot to catch up on.

Don: So you spent all day (5) ... home gossiping?!

Sam: No, we didn’t! We went out (6) ... lunch (7) ... The Lantern Bistro.

Don: Very nice. How did you get there? It’s a long way (8) ... your flat.

Sam: We went (9) ... taxi, actually. Patsy paid.

Don: And where did you sit?

Sam: We were lucky. We sat (10) ... to the back windows so we could look (11) ... the view, plus there were not many people, so we stayed (12) ... one o’clock (13) ... three, when they closed. And do you know who came (14) ... the restaurant while we were having coffee?

Don: Er ... Tricky?... Sting?... the Queen?...

Sam: Don’t be silly! No, Daniel Craig came in and booked a table.

6 Complete the text with the adverbs of manner in the box.


Oliver was walking quickly down Shaftesbury Avenue in London last week because he was (1) ... late for a meeting in Leicester Square. He was crossing the road when a car (2) ... drove up and Keira Knightly got (3) ... out of it. She was dressed very (4) ... as if she was going to a special event. Oliver stopped and watched, and several other people in the street stopped and pointed (5) ... . The actress smiled (6) ... at everyone, and walked into a nearby theatre. Oliver and the others waited (7) ... to see if any other celebrities would arrive, but no one did, so they all walked away (8) ...

7 Complete the sentences with the adverbs of degree in the box..


I really didn’t enjoy the new Arctic Monkeys record.

1 I couldn’t afford tickets to the premiere - they were ... expensive.

2 Scarlett Johansson was beautifully dressed - her dress was ... amazing!

3 I was very late, and when I got to the cinema it was ... full.

4 Apparently they didn’t ask him to sing because he wasn’t good ... .

5 I liked her dancing - I thought it was ... graceful.

6 We can ... talk, the music is so loud.

7 Nobody was clever ... to answer all the questions in the quiz.

8 Can I come shopping with you, mum? I’ve ... finished my essay.