Test 21 Units 98-102

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 21 Units 98-102

1 Complete the questions with a pronoun, adjective or adverb.

Who is going to the cinema with you?

1 ... in France are you going for your holidays?

2 ... sort of computer are you going to buy?

3 ... are the Spanish students arriving?

4 ... is he using his mobile phone in class?

5 ... are you going to travel across Russia?

6 ... of the two laptops will you buy?

2 Complete the questions which start with How, with the words in the box.


How fast is your new broadband system?

1 ’How ... is the Eiffel Tower in France?’ ’It’s just over 320 metres.’

2 ’How ... is Stonehenge in England?’ ’It’s over 2500 years.’

3 ’How ... do you check your e-mails?’ ’Three times a day.’

4 ’How ... is the Yangtze River in China?’ ’It’s about 6,300 kilometres.’

5 ’How … is the Mariana Trench near Japan?’ ’It’s over 11,000 metres.’

6 ’How ... are the latest microchip wafers?’ ’They’re under 0.20 micro.’

3 Write short answers for these Wh- questions. Use the words in brackets.

Who lives there? (John)    John does.

1 What animals eat meat? (Lions)

2 Who went with you? (The Bakers)

3 Who doesn’t like fish? (Alice)

4 Who wouldn’t help with the work? (Mike)

4 Rewrite using so / neither. Use the pronouns in brackets.

I often go swimming (I)    So do I.

1 I never go cycling. (we)

2 We sometimes played chess. (they)

3 He always gets up late. (she)

4 We didn’t like camping. (I)

5 You won’t come. (they)

6 She thought the library was closed. (he)

5 Match each sentence with the appropriate question tag.

1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 You live in Germany,  a doesn’t he?

2 Paul works in China,  b couldn’t you?

3 You won’t leave me,  c can’t she?

4 She can help us,   d don’t you?

5 Your hamster died,  e wouldn’t they?

6 They’d like that,   f will you?

7 You could tell her the truth g didn’t it?

6 Complete the interrogation of suspect Fry with the appropriate interrogative.

Policeman: OK, Fry, where do you live?

Fry: I told you, officer. In Victoria Street.

Policeman: Don’t be clever, Fry. (1) ... number?

Fry: Forty-two.

Policeman: (2) ... did you get home last night?

Fry: I didn’t go home last night.

Policeman: (3) ... didn’t you go home?

Fry: Because I went to a party.

Policeman: OK, Fry, so (4) ... party was it?

Fry: It was Big Danny Little’s birthday.

Policeman: And (5) ... did this party take place?

Fry: At the Drunken Eel Club in Islington.

Policeman: I see. And (6) ... else was at this party?

Fry: Oh, I didn’t know many people there, officer.

Policeman: So (7) ... did you go to the party?

Fry: Because Big Danny invited me. When Big Danny invites, you don’t refuse...

Policeman: So (8) ... time did you leave the Drunken Eel Club?

Fry: I don’t really know, officer. About ten o’clock, I think?

Policeman: So (9) ... did my constables find you in Mayfair at nine o’clock, then, Fry?

Fry: I’ve no idea officer. my watch had stopped.

Policeman: (10) ... do you know about the 100 iPods we found in your car?

Fry: Nothing, officer. I don’t know how they got there.

7 Rewrite the appropriate exclamations, using the words in brackets.

Look at this picture. (beautiful)

What a beautiful picture!

Have you heard about the accident? (sad)

How sad itis!

1 Have you seen that film? (great)

What ...!

2 They are very nice people. (good)

How ...!

3 Did you enjoy the party? (wonderful)

What ...!

4 It’s a lovely village. (quiet)

How ...!

8 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.


Hazel: How annoying! The computer screen froze.

Annie: You’ve checked the e-mails, (1) ...?

Hazel: Er. actually I haven’t.

Annie: (2) ... haven’t you? I told you it was urgent, (3) ...?

Hazel: No, you (4) ... . And anyway I had to download a very long file for Ms Rivets first.

Annie: Ms. Rivets? (5) ... ’s Ms Rivets?

Hazel: She’s the new sales manager.

Annie: (6) ...? Oh, yes. I remember now. She’s the tall girl with red hair, (7) ...?

Hazel: That’s right.

Annie: I think she looks very nice.

Hazel: (8) ... .