Test 20 Units 93-97

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 20 Units 93-97

1 Write the numbers in figures.

one hundred and twenty-seven 127

1 nought point three eight

2 three hundred and forty-six Anno Domini

3 one million four hundred and eighty thousand

4 nineteen thirty-seven

5 minus seventeen degrees Celsius

6 three-double two-nine four-double eight

2 Resolve the anagrams and write the ordinal numbers as words and figures.

vtneesh seventh 7 th

1 ytetwn-ridht ...

2 gthhie ...

3 nntyie-strif ...

4 flewhtt ...

5 hyritt-nocdes ...

6 eitortfh ...

3 Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun: who, which, whom or whose. Put it in brackets if it can be omitted.

The man who bought my car works in the same office as my son.

1 The console ... my parents gave me for my birthday has some great games.

2 The people ... we met on holiday live in Sweden.

3 The woman ... laptop was stolen on the train is very upset.

4 The athlete ... photo you saw in the paper represented our town at the championship.

5 The elephant ... we saw in the zoo last week will be moved to a safari park.

6 Who is the person ... you consulted for your computer repairs?

4 Connect the two sentences with a relative pronoun, as in the example.

The Hills have bought a new computer. They live opposite us.

The Hills, who live opposite us, have bought a new computer.

1 My dog runs very fast. He won a race last week.

2 Paul’s mother broke her leg yesterday. She works in a hospital.

3 My friend hates flying. His father is a pilot.

4 Daisy is going to sing on TV. She has a lovely voice.

5 My neighbours have just bought a stereo. They are very noisy.

6 Sam’s computer keeps breaking down. It’s very old.

5 Complete the sentences with where, when or why.

We just passed the town where I spent my childhood summers.

1 He was unable to explain the reason ... he did it.

2 That’s the mountain ... she broke her leg skiing.

3 1992 was the year ... my parents met.

4 He couldn’t describe the place ... the attack had happened.

5 She fixed the meeting for a time ... I couldn’t be there.

6 I couldn’t understand the reason ... she went there.

6 Rewrite the sentences, omitting the relative pronoun.

The book for which you are looking is on the table.

The book you are looking for is on the table.

1 The person for whom she is waiting is standing by the door.

2 The platform on which you are standing is not the one for Brighton.

3 The game show in which they were supposed to take part has just been cancelled.

4 The teacher for whom he has been substituting is returning tomorrow.

5 The post for which you were applying has already been filled.

6 The candidate by whom we were contacted before the elections has just withdrawn.

7 Complete the dialogue with the relative pronouns in the box.


Jack: So how was your week in Wales, Lucy?

Lucy: It was OK, but the people who we were supposed to go with got ill at the last moment.

Jack: Oh, dear. Who were they?

Lucy: Some French people (1) ...we had met on holiday last year.

Jack: So what did you do?

Lucy: Well, we phoned the people (2) ... cottage we were renting to explain, but they said they wouldn’t refund the money (3) ... we had already paid. So we decided to go on our own.

Jack: I see. And what was it like?

Lucy: The place (4) ... we were staying was very beautiful, but there were two sheep-dogs (5) ... kept barking all night, so we couldn’t sleep.

Jack: Really? So what did you do?

Lucy: We complained. But the owner, (6) ... didn’t live there, said it was our problem and refused to discuss it.