Test 19 Units 82-92

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 19 Units 82-92

1 Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronouns and possessive adjectives.

Paul got up at seven, and went for a ride on his bike.

1 We are very curious. You still haven’t told ... about ... holiday in Brazil.

2 Mary likes ... new hat, but I don’t think ... is very nice.

3 The Homans showed me ... new car. ... said it was very expensive.

4 When we went to ... favourite restaurant last week, ... was closed.

5 I was very angry because ... couldn’t find ... leather gloves.

6 Gordon was looking for ... car keys. He thought he had left ... on the table.

2 Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

I really enjoyed myself at the party last night.

1 Robert cut ... shaving this morning.

2 Janine is only three years old but she can get dressed by ... .

3 I’m not going to help you. You can do it ...!

4 Even the politicians ... don’t believe what they say!

5 We built the garden shed ... because it was much cheaper.

6 As I walked along the road I sang a little song to ... .

3 Complete the text with the words in the box.


We came to visit friends who live on a farm near this village yesterday but (1) ... was out when we got to the farm. They were (2) ... working in the fields having a beer in the village pub. Then we saw (3) ... of them walking down the main street. He told us that his two brothers were (4) ... in town for the day, as they went there (5) ... Friday to do the shopping for the weekend. They got back in the late afternoon, and (6) ... of them were carrying two large bags of groceries.

4 Choose the correct alternative.


1 There’s only a little / few sugar left in the bowl.

2 Were there much / many people in town for the trade fair?

3 We needed some eggs to make a cake but there were no / none in the fridge.

4 There was a nice coat for sale but it cost too much / many.

5 I wanted to get some meat, but I didn’t have many / enough money.

6 There was a choice of two desserts but I didn’t like either / neither of them.

5 Complete the sentences with the compounds every-, some-, any- or no-.

I went to the golf club, but there was nobody there who could play with me.

1 I want to go ... really exotic for my next holiday.

2 We went to the souvenir shop but we couldn’t find ... nice to buy.

3 By the time Jonathan got to the party ... had already gone home.

4 The article describes ... in detail about the new housing development.

5 I wanted to go to the cinema with my friends, but there wasn’t ... to go with.

6 I couldn’t find my keys, even though I looked for them ... in the house.

6 Complete the dialogue with indefinite pronouns or other appropriate pronouns.

Don: Are you doing anything interesting this coming weekend, Liz?

Liz: No, I’m afraid I’ve got (1) ... planned. Why?

Don: Well, (2) ... Jimmy and I are free, and we wondered if you’d like to go (3) ... with (4) ... . .............................................

Liz: (5) ... would be really nice, Don. Thanks. Have (6) ... of you had any ideas yet?

Don: Well, I don’t want to go to a crowded place where (7) ... goes for the weekend. And Jimmy is happy to go (8) ... that he hasn’t been to before.

Liz: There are lots of nice little villages along the coast, but I’m afraid (9) ... of them are very crowded at this time of year, and the (10) ... inland are not very pretty or

interesting. But (11) ... says that Hadrian’s Wall is very nice, and that’s not too far away.

Don: (12) ... ’s a good idea, Liz.

7 Choose the correct alternative.

Yesterday I wanted to go for a ride on (my) / mine bike but I found it had a flat tyre. I asked (1) my / mine brother if I could borrow (2) him / his, and he said I could. I decided to go (3) something / somewhere I hadn’t been to before - the old castle, the (4) one / ones you can see from my bedroom window. It was a hard ride and I needed (5) much / plenty of effort to get to the top. But it was worth it, because you could see (6) everything / everyone in the area - the fields, churches and villages. It was beautiful.

8 Complete the second sentence without changing the meaning of the first.

I hadn’t got any crayons, so they lent me theirs. I hadn’t got any, so they lent me their crayons.

1 I went nowhere yesterday.

I didn’t go ... yesterday.

2 There were lots of people in the park.

There were a ... people in the park.

3 I haven’t got many banknotes left in my wallet.

I haven’t got ... money left in my wallet.

4 There weren’t many apples in the bowl.

There were only a ... apples left in the bowl.

5 The magician gave one card to everyone.

The magician gave one card to ... person.

6 They didn’t do anything after lunch.

They did ... after lunch.

9 Complete the text with the appropriate indefinite pronoun.

The place was deserted. There was nobody on the beach, you couldn’t see (1) ... swimming in the lake, you couldn’t hear (2) ... talking in the house. So where had

the scream come from? Ron walked cautiously among the bushes, pointing the torch (3) ... and calling out ’(4) ... there?’. We followed him. We could hear (5) ... but the rustling of our feet on the ground, then suddenly (6) ... called out ’Who are you?’.