Test 18 Units 74-81

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 18 Units 74-81

1 Put () where the adjective should be in the sentence.


2 Write the adjectives in the sentences in the correct order.

It is a valuable old oil painting. (oil / old / valuable)

1 I bought a ... shirt. (nice / cotton / blue)

2 She’s got an ... chair. (African / interesting / wooden)

3 The market trader sold us a ... lamp. (small / pretty / brass)

4 They visited a ... village. (stone / old / lovely)

5 Mike’s driving a ... car. (electric / yellow / tiny)

6 Annie saw an ... sculpture. (Greek / ancient / marble)

3 Complete the sentences with the comparative adjectives in the box.


Peter is 4cm taller than me.

1 I think that rugby is ... than football.

2 It’s ... in Morocco in the summer than in Spain.

3 This car park is always ... than the one near the castle.

4 Her face is ... than it was yesterday. She must be ill.

5 This little portrait is ... than that huge painting.

6 It was a ... journey than we expected.

4 Complete the sentences with the appropriate noun, used as an adjective.

His mountain boots were still dirty after last week’s climb.

1 He got thirty b... cards when he turned eighteen.

2 My favourite dessert is a...pie.

3 She bought a new v... game for her PlayStation.

4 In August they’re going to Spain for their s... holiday.

5 She gave us her m... number so we could phone her any time.

6 I think Julia Roberts is a great f... star.

5 Choose the correct alternative.


1 There isn’t much / more traffic on the road today.

2 There are less / fewer students on the course this year.

3 I didn’t see as much / many films last year as the year before.

4 There is a lot much / more work to do before we finish.

5 There is less / fewer food in the fridge than I thought.

6 Do her films get as much / many publicity as her songs?

6 Complete the sentences with the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

Jammin’ Hits is their latest CD. (late)

1 They are ... heavy metal group in town. (good)

2 It’s ... pop concert we’ve been to for years. (exciting)

3 Maria Callas was ... soprano of her time. (famous)

4 Who is ... woman in Britain? (rich)

5 He owns ... disco in our area. (successful)

6 What was their ... hit? (big)

7 Les Miserables is ...- running musical in the world. It’s been running in London for 23 years! (long)

8 Luciano Pavarotti was one of ... tenors of all times. (celebrated)

7 Complete the dialogue with the appropriate form of the words in brackets.

Steve: Do you think that Ralph is a nice (nice) person?

Patty: Well, he’s OK, but I think he was (1) ... (good) before he got this promotion.

I mean, he was (2) ... (helpful) than he is now, and he was the (3) ... (interesting) person to talk to over lunch in the canteen.

Steve: Yes, you’re right. He has changed. But I think he’s (4) ... (efficient) than old Smith who had the job before.

Patty: Well that wasn’t very (5) ... (hard), was it? But he certainly knows (6) ... (much) than anyone else about the music business, and he’s the (7) ... (easy) manager I know to get on with.

Steve: I think there are (8) ... (few) mistakes going on now, and the atmosphere in the recording studio is (9) ... (healthy) than it was under Smith. I mean, everyone seems (10) ... (interested) in their work.

8 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.


Rob: Hi Jim. I heard your latest concert was in Chester. How did you like the town?

Jim: Didn’t you know I was born there, Rob? I left it when I was twelve and I never went back until last week. I noticed there haven’t been (1) ... changes ... I expected, though. It’s still (2) ... quiet ... it used to be. Except that now there are (3) ... car parks and (4) ... playgrounds, unfortunately. But all in all, there’s still (5) ... traffic than in

(6) ... other places I’ve been to on tour.

Rob: Were there (7) ... people at the concert?

Jim: Yeah, there were (8) ... than I could figure and I was surprised to see (9) ... of my old school mates still remembered me. I had never realized I knew (10) ... people when I was a kid. Could it be because I’m (11) ... famous now?

Rob: Maybe. Were there any of your teachers?

Jim: Just one. My music teacher. Perhaps most teachers are (12) ... interested in hard rock than teenagers!