Test 17 Units 68-73

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 17 Units 68-73

1 Complete the sentences with the plural form of the words in the box.


I couldn’t sleep last night because my neighbour’s dogs were barking.

1 There are some new ... on offer in the corner shop. I bought four films!

2 The ... on the tree in my father’s garden are for cooking, not eating.

3 The government says it is going to raise the ... again next year.

4 We waited for twenty minutes and no ... came along.

5 I don’t really know my way round the back ... of Venice very well.

6 Of all the ... I’ve owned this old non-digital one has been the most reliable.

2 Write the plural form of these nouns and put them in the correct column, according to the pronunciation.



3 Choose the correct alternative.


1 They had some lovely fishes / fish for lunch.

2 The new history curriculums / curricula are not very good.

3 All the passer-bys / passers-by stopped to look in our shop window.

4 The police say that at least three thiefs / thieves were involved in the robbery.

5 Farmers say that gooses / geese are becoming as popular as turkeys at Christmas.

6 The Tourist Office had some good information / informations about the town.

4 Match 1 - 7 with a - g.

1 d 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ...

1 a bar of

2 a pint of

3 a slice of

4 a jar of

5 a box of

6 a can of

7 a cup of

a cake

b tomatoes

c chocolates

d soap

e tea

f beer

g honey

5 Complete the second sentence with the appropriate possessive case.

That bag belongs to Peter. It’s Peter’s bag ... .

1 There’s the shop where I buy bread. It’s the ... next to my house.

2 That’s where Mr Hall lives. It’s ... house.

3 Those cars belong to the teachers. They’re ... cars.

4 That’s the newspaper I bought yesterday. It’s ... newspaper.

5 Don’t use that - the dog drinks from it! It’s ... bowl.

6 See letters from the readers on page 9.

See ... letters on page 9.

6 Write C (countable) or U (uncountable) next to the nouns.

C book

1 ... student

2 ... milk

3 ... furniture

4 ... film

5 ... actor

6 ... money

7 ... advice

8 ... freedom

9 ... song

10 ... homework

11 ... flour

12 ... hobby

7 Fill in the spaces with the correct form (singular, plural or possessive case) of the words at the end of the line.

John is reading the local paper to find out if there is anything interesting to see in town. He finds that there are two (1) ... on at the (2) ... two theatres. He has seen one of them before, but the other is new for him. In the (3) ... about the cinemas, he can see that there is a new (4) ... on at The Roxy from Wednesday. It’s about a gang of (5) ... in New York and the two (6) ... he has read both said that it is good. Besides, it stars one of his film (7) ..., Johnny Depp, which is a good enough (8) ... to go and see it. He also reads that there is an (9) ... of recent (10) ... by newspaper photographers at the new gallery in the park. It is called (11) ’... Games’ and it shows pictures of the (12) ... at play around the world.

There is something which will interest his (13) ... Julie and Mark: the Ballet Rambert are doing two (14) ... next weekend. John rings his friends with the (15) … . They are very pleased because (16) ... hobby is modern dance, and he wants to see both (17) ... They decide to go together. John says he will buy the (18) ... when he’s in town the next day, and will find out the (19) ... of the last two (20) ... for them to get home afterwards.





















8 Complete the sentences with the collective nouns in the box.


A group of students put on a performance of Macbeth last week.

1 The ... in the shop were very helpful.

2 We were standing on the beach watching a ... of seagulls.

3 When I went into the garden there was a ... of bees hanging from the tree.

4 A ... of builders started work on our new house yesterday.

5 The car got stuck in the lane behind a ... of cows going back to the barn.

6 There are several new ministers in the ... after the election.