Test 16 Units 64-67

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 16 Units 64-67

1 Complete the sentences with a or an.

He is a very nice man.

1 This is my brother Paul. He is ... doctor.

6 I bought ... hundred shares in Premium Banks.

2 It is ... honour to meet you.

3 I didn’t go out all weekend. I had ... terrible cold.

7 What ... horrible thing to happen!

8 He always drives at forty kilometres ... hour.

4 Don’t go out without ... umbrella today!

9 I’m sure that Linda is ... honest person.

5 ... Mrs Jones made the cakes for us.

10 ... hippopotamus is a very big animal.

2 Write the in the text. If the article isn’t needed, write 0.

I always get up at 0 six o’clock in (1) ... morning, because it’s (2) ... quietest time of (3) ... day. After (4) ... breakfast, I usually read (5) ... newspaper, and I start (6) ... work at

half past seven. About half an hour later I usually get (7) ... first phone-call, and it’s often one of (8) ... people I am working with on (9) ... my latest book. After that, (10) ... next few hours are spent writing.

3 Complete the sentences with a, an or the. If an article isn’t needed, write 0.

1 I bought a kilo of (1) ... apples at (2) ... market, but when I got home I found that (3) ... apples were bad.

2 I met (4) ... good friend of mine in town yesterday - it was (5) ... friend I went skiing with (6) ... last winter.

3 There was (7) ... second-hand piano for (8) ... sale in (9) ... paper last night, so I rang up about it, because I play (10) ... piano, and I would like to buy one.

4 Let’s go to (11) ... mountains (12) ... next weekend. There is (13) ... mountain called Scafell Pike which I want to climb.

5 I saw (14) ... grey scarf in (15) ... shop window (16) ... last week - it was exactly (17) ... grey I needed to go with (18) ... my new suit.

6 Do you like to sit in (19) ... leather chair? Because if so, I’m sure you will find (20) ... leather on this sofa very nice.

4 Complete the text with a, an or the. If an article isn’t needed, write 0.

Tigers in danger

One of the world’s most serious conservation issues is how to save (1) ... tiger. Most people consider (2) ... tigers to be (3) ... most beautiful of all big cats, but (4) ... news from (5) ... India is not good. Not only are (6) ... increasing number of tigers being killed, but also it is difficult for (7) ... ones which are safe to find (8) ... mate. This is because of (9) ... expansion of (10) ... Indian population, which has broken up larger areas of habitat into (11) ... smaller parts.

One of (12) ... most difficult problems for conservationists is how to stop (13) ... people killing tigers. There is (14) ... enormous market in China for (15) ... tiger body parts, for medicinal use. Until (16) ... Chinese are able to prevent such trade, for example through (17) ... education,

(18) ... problem will continue. In (19) ... meantime, these wonderful animals are staring extinction in (20) ... face.

5 Where necessary, write the in front of these words.

the Atlantic Ocean

1 ... Pacific Ocean

2 ... Channel Islands

3 ... Lake Superior

4 ... Andes

5 ... Yangtze River

6 ... Amazon River

7 ... Netherlands

8 ... United Kingdom

9 ... Egypt

10 ... People’s Republic of China

11 ... Sicily

12 ... Mount Etna

13 ... Canary Islands

14 ... Mediterranean

15 ... Greece

16 ... Athens

17 ... Scottish Highlands

18 ... Wales

19 ... River Avon

20 ... Birmingham

6 Complete the dialogue with a, an or the. If an article isn’t needed, write 0.

Rachel: Good morning, Andy. Did you have a good weekend?

Andy: Yes, (1) ... trip was OK, but (2) ... weather could have been better.

Rachel: Really? I’m surprised. We had (3) ... lovely weekend here.

Andy: I’m sure you did, but on (4) ... coast, things are different. The weather changes very fast and there was (5) ... huge thunderstorm on Saturday morning, which meant that we couldn’t take (6) ... boat out.

Rachel: Oh, that’s (7) ... pity! So did you do something else?

Andy: Well, fortunately there was (8) ... exhibition of sailing equipment at (9) ... marina, so we visited that. And then (10) ... sun came out in (11) ... afternoon, and we were able to get out on (12) ... sea for about two hours.

Rachel: And what was it like on (13) ... Sunday?

Andy: It was (14) ... bit too windy for my liking, but we went out all (15) ... same. And then (16) ... rain came down again around (17) ... midday so we gave up, went back and had (18) ... really good fish lunch at (19) ... new restaurant near (20) ... town hall.

Rachel: Is that (21) ... Greek one they wrote about in (22) ... paper last week?

Andy: No, Rachel. That’s in (23) ... main square. This one was in (24) ... little street that you wouldn’t notice. It has become (25) ... most popular place to eat, since somebody bought (26) ... Old Ship pub and changed it into (27) ... restaurant. And it’s very nice, I can tell you, and (28) ... prices are still (29) ... same as in the old place.

Rachel: It sounds great. I must go next time we’re at (30) ... seaside.

Andy: I’ll give you (31) ... phone number, because you’ll have to book. So how was (32) ... your weekend?

Rachel: Well, it wasn’t as exciting, or as wet, as yours. We had (33) ... surprise birthday party I told you about. For my sister Janet.

Andy: Oh, yes. I remember. So did (34) ... things go as planned?

Rachel: Yes, they did. And we were lucky because it was such (35) ... beautiful day here. We had (36) ... big tent in (37) ... garden, and lots of friends and family came. And

Janet’s face was (38) ... picture when we brought her out and she saw (39) ... tent! She couldn’t believe her eyes! And we all had (40) ... really good time.