Test 15 Units 57-63

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 15 Units 57-63

1 Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous passive of the verbs in brackets.

Books are printed in that printing shop. (print)

1 The latest bestsellers ... in all of our shops. (sell)

2 The library ... at the moment. (decorate)

3 A sequel to her first novel ... by the author at present. (write)

4 Writers ... their royalty payments twice a year. (send)

5 Each book ... individually. (check)

6 Copies ... all over the world now. (distribute)

2 Change the sentences from active to passive, keeping the same tense. Use the agent where necessary.

The students read a selection of Shakespeare’s sonnets. A selection of Shakespeare’s sonnets were read. by the students.

1 Virginia Woolf wrote To the Lighthouse.

2 The sales staff sold a lot of books yesterday.

3 They have published three of his novels.

4 They have been checking his manuscript for weeks.

3 Rearrange the words and write the sentences. Each one uses the passive future form.

selected - new - Prize - be - his - for - Booker - the - will - novel - for

His new novel will be selected for the Booker Prize.

1 in - Her - stories - China - will - collection - set - short - next - of - be

2 authors - be - poems - are - The - to - the - read - by - going

3 printed - Italy - The - in - be - will - books

4 new - fantasy novel - before - Her - won’t - July - published - be

5 launch - going - writers - of - to - are - Lots - book - invited - be - his - to

4 Complete the sentences with the passive infinitives in the box.


If her stories are to be sold, she will have to rewrite some of them.

1 The author will have ... about the sales figures soon.

2 His new novel seems ... very quickly.

3 His poems were ... in the cathedral, but the event was cancelled.

4 He just wants what he writes ... by the critics and the public.

5 His first work is ... in a small literary magazine.

6 Her new play was ... but the BBC said it was too controversial.

5 Change the active sentences with two objects into passive sentences, keeping the same tense. Use the agent where necessary.

They gave the book to me.

I was given the book.

1 We offered a lift to him.

4 They lent me their computer for a month.

2 Her publisher owes her £3,000.

5 He gave John a book token for his birthday.

3 Mr Jones teaches them creative writing.

6 They have promised Sarah a new job.

1 ...

2 …

3 ...

4 ...

5 ...

6 ...

6 Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box. They are modals followed by the passive infinitive.


Mrs Roberts: It is absolutely essential! It must be done by tomorrow evening!

Smith: I’m sorry, Mrs Roberts, but it (1) ... by then ... there isn’t time.

Mrs Roberts: Listen, Smith. in this company there is no such word as can’t. You are perfectly aware that it (2) ... last week, so you’re well behind.

Smith: I know, Mrs Roberts, but if you remember some of the parts (3) ... until last Monday.

Mrs Roberts: I know, Smith, but that’s because they (4) ... sooner.

Smith: But, Mrs Roberts, we didn’t know this job (5) ... so quickly.

Mrs Roberts: Even so, Smith, everything (6) ... much better. Now go and get on with it.

7 Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.


My mother made me pay for the window I broke yesterday.

1 My father ... football training every week, and I hated it.

2 I was lucky! The teacher ... after school!

3 My parents ... my scooter to the seaside with my friends.

4 My neighbour tried to ... her garden for her, but I didn’t do it.

5 The policeman ... his bicycle on the pavement.

8 Complete the second sentence without changing the meaning of the first.

They were performing at the Royal Theatre.

We saw them performing at the Royal Theatre.

1 A group of people left early.

We noticed ...

2 Some candles were burning.

We could smell ...

3 He came home after midnight.

His dad heard ...