Test 14 Units 53-56

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 14 Units 53-56

1 Use the words to write questions with shall. Then match them to A, B, C or D.

A offer to do something B make a suggestion C ask for instructions D ask for a suggestion

I / go / shops / ?

Shall I go to the shops?


1 I / put / TV / here / ?

2 I / help / you / carry / your bags / ?

3 Where / we / go / this evening / ?

4 we / watch / DVD / tonight / ?

2 Rewrite the sentences using ought to.

You should plant more trees.

You ought to plant more trees.

1 We should recycle our rubbish.

2 They shouldn’t drill for oil in Alaska.

3 Should I eat only organic food?

4 He should buy an electric car.

5 They shouldn’t waste water.

3 Use the words to ask or give advice with had better.

I / go / ? No / you / stay at home …

’Had I better. go?’ ’No, you’d better stay at home.’

1 I / travel / bus / ? No / you / go / train

2 he / put on / brown jacket / ? No / he / wear / grey suit

3 they / get there / early / ? No / they / arrive / at ten

4 I / take something / to / party / ? Yes / you / buy / cake

5 we / say something / Peter / ? No / we / keep quiet

6 she / marry / John / ? No / she / stay single

4 Complete the sentences with bound to or due to.

He’s very fast. He’s bound to win the race.

1 She’s the best in the class. She’s ... come top.

2 She’s ... get here at four o’clock for the opening.

3 ’What time’s the London train?’ ’It’s ... arrive at 15.17.’

4 Look at those black clouds. It’s ... rain in the next hour.

5 Don’t wait for him. Mike’s ... to be late. He always is.

5 Write appropriate sentences with would like or will.

Invite Ros to your birthday party.

Would you like to come to my birthday party, Ros?

1 Offer Peter a glass of orange juice.

2 Ask Karen to show you her new iPod.

3 Invite Tom to the Monet exhibition.

4 Ask Jo to go with you to your audition.

6 Give people advice with ought to (OT) or had better (HB).

It’s very wet and cold outside. Paul’s going out. (OT: umbrella / warm clothes)

You ought to take an umbrella and wear warm clothes, Paul.

It’s starting to snow. Jim’s going to get his car. (HB: not drive / bus or walk)

2 It’s really hot and sunny. Jane’s going outside. (OT: sun hat / sun cream)

3 There are hurricane warnings in the Caribbean. Mike has to travel there for work. (HB: not travel now / postpone the trip)

4 It’s very windy and the sea’s rough. Diane wants to swim. (OT: not go /sea; swim / pool)

7 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 d 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Shall I help you  a about the pain in my back?

2 Would you tell me  b be here by now.

3 It’s five o’clock. He should c to help the flood victims.

4 As a kid    d with the shopping?

5 We should try   e an umbrella?

6 What should I do  f where your office is?

7 Shall we take   g I would often paddle in the pond.

8 Write what they want to do.

It’s raining. The dog is outside. (come in)

It wants to come in.

1 He likes her. There’s a good film at the cinema. (invite)

2 She’s looking at the TV guide. There’s a good documentary. (watch)

3 She’s looking in the shop window. There’s a pretty blouse. (buy)

4 It’s a beautiful day. She’s putting on her mountain boots. (go for a walk)