Test 13 Units 50-52

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 13 Units 50-52

1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of must.

You must always stop at a red light when driving.

1 You ... clean your teeth properly after each meal.

2 You ... talk during the written test.

3 ... we play football outside in the rain today?

4 Students ... smoke in the school grounds.

5 We ... look smart for the end-of-term party tomorrow.

6 ... I finish my homework before dinner?

2 Complete the sentences with have to in the affirmative (✓), negative (X) or interrogative ( ?).

Janice () has to go to school at nine o’clock every day.

1 But she (X) ... go to school on Sunday.

2 (?) ... she ... go to school on Saturday?

3 What time (?) ... you ... leave for the station?

4 The kids (✓) ... clean their rooms every Saturday morning.

5 You (X) ... take the dog for a walk this evening.

6 We () ... give in our projects tomorrow morning.

3 Complete the sentences with be to in the affirmative (✓), negative (X) or interrogative ( ? ).

The first witnesses () are to be questioned tomorrow morning.

1 He () ... get to the solicitor’s by five o’clock on Friday.

2 When (?) ... the members of the jury ... give their verdict?

3 You (X) ... say anything until the judge says that you can!

4 I () ... report to the police station at one o’clock.

5 What time (?) ... she ... be at the courtroom tomorrow?

6 He (X) ... be told the name of the witness who testified against him.

4 Complete the second sentence with need and the -ing form, without changing the meaning.

Your bedroom needs to be tidied up. Your bedroom needs tidying up.

1 Mark’s hair needs to be cut. Mark’s hair ... .

2 Their car needs to be cleaned. Their car ... .

3 This room needs to be painted. This room ... .

4 My computer needs to be repaired. My computer ... .

5 Your garden needs to be dug. Your garden ... .

6 The cat needs to be fed. The cat ... .

5 Use the words to write sentences with need in the present (PR), past (PS) or future (F).

(PR) they / get to school / early / today.

They need to get to school early today.

1 (PR) He / pack his case / before / he leaves

2 (F) You / study harder / for the exams

3 (PS) We / pack / our cases / the day before

6 Complete the short dialogues using the correct form of have to.

Jane: Mum, I have to take £2 to school today.

Mum: Why do you need £2?

Jane: Because we (1) ... pay for the school trip.

Paul: What (2) ... you ... do in your dance classes?

Mary: We (3) ... learn the movements for traditional folk dances.

Dad: How nice, we (4) ... get up early tomorrow because it’s a holiday.

John: Yes, but I still (5) ... go for my piano lesson at ten o’clock.

Liz: (6) ... you ... sign in when you get to work each morning?

Ann: No, I don’t. Do you?

7 Match sentences 1 - 7 with sentences a - g.

1 d 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ...

1 You need to wash your hair.  a No, they won’t.

2 Did you have to do a test yesterday? b He must have missed the train.

3 Will they have to pay to get in? c You mustn’t park here.

4 Look at that sign!    d It’s very dirty.

5 He’s not here and it’s eleven o’clock. e We were asked to put on protective clothing.

6 What did you have to wear at the factory? f No, you mustn’t exceed thirty.

7 Can I drive at fifty miles per hour here? g No, I didn’t.

8 Write what these people have to or don’t have to do. Use must, have to or need.

The train is leaving in one minute. John is buying his ticket. (hurry)

He needs to hurry up.

1 Susan is running down the corridor. There is a school rule. (not run)

2 Diane is driving in the country. Her petrol tank is almost empty. (buy)

3 It’s a school holiday today, and Jane’s still in bed at nine o’clock. (not get up)

4 There’s a sign in the bank, but Paul’s using his mobile phone. (not use)

5 It’s beautiful and sunny outside. Laura’s umbrella is hanging by the door. (not take)

6 Mike didn’t see his boss yesterday. But he had a document for the boss to sign. (see)

9 Write sentences about what needs to be done.

Paul sees the grass is long. (cut + -ing) 

The grass needs cutting.

Paul sees the grass is long. (cut + to)

Paul needs to cut the grass.

1 Sue sees her car is dirty. (clean + -ing)

2 Andy hears the TV is too loud. (turn down + to)

3 Lynn sees her jeans aren’t clean. (wash + to)