Test 12 Units 47-49

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 12 Units 47-49

1 Use the words to write questions with can and give affirmative (✓) or negative (X) short answers.

Paul / swim / ? ✓  

Can Paul swim? Yes, he can.

1 the boys / play rugby / ? ✓

2 a rabbit / fly / ? X

3 you / speak / English / ? ✓

4 we / go / swimming / ? X

2 Write P (possibility), A (ability) or R (request), according to the meaning of can in these sentences.

Do you know that John is twelve and he still can’t swim? A

1 Neither Sue nor Jim can speak French.

2 Can you play badminton well?

3 We can have a picnic on the beach.

4 You can’t go out to play in the rain.

5 Can I use your mobile, Jack?

6 Andy can run really fast!

7 Sorry, I can’t come to the party.

8 Can I have the car tonight, dad?

3 Use can / could and the words given to write sentences about someone’s abilities in the past and now.

Jane / X swim / two / but / swim / now

Jane couldn’t swim when she was two, but she can swim now.

1 Richard / X ride a bike / four / but / ride one / now

2 Alice / climb / trees / little / but / X climb them / now

3 The boys / X play rugby / ten / but / play / now

4 Douglas / draw well / at school / but / X draw / now

5 Lucy and Jane / X sing / young / but / sing well / now

6 Paul / play chess / as a boy / but / X play it / now

4 Match the questions with the answers.

1 d 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ...

1 Can I help you with your bags?   a No, I’m afraid not. I’m using it.

2 When could we meet to discuss the schedule? B Sure. She’ll be pleased to see you.

3 Do you think you might be able to help? c I could see you on Friday morning.

4 May I visit the patient later?    d Thank you. That’s very kind of you.

5 Could you lend me your bike tomorrow? e We might as well do the kitchen, too.

6 Are we just decorating the living room and hall? f I don’t think so. They’re too young.

7 Can the children come to the dinner party? g I’m sure I’ll be able to do something.

5 Mike is going out and offers to do the shopping. Complete the dialogue with the correct sentences. There are two sentences extra.


Mike: I’m just going into town. Do you want me to get anything?

Kay: Yes, can you get some eggs please?

Mike: Sure. Is that all?

Kay: (1) ...

Mike: Can you write a list, otherwise I’ll forget everything?

Kay: (2) ...

Mike: Remember to put down the ingredients for lasagna.

Kay: (3) ...

Mike: We’re having the Hamiltons to dinner.

Kay: (4) ...

6 Read the answers and write the appropriate requests with can / could.

Could you tell me how to get to the cinema, please?

Yes, go down this street, turn right, and the cinema’s on your left.

1 ...?

No, I can’t, John. I gave you £20 two days ago.

2 ...?

Of course, I could. It’s terribly cold in here.

3 ...?

Yes, you can, but don’t be late home.

4 ...?

I’m afraid not. I haven’t got my car today and I’m not going to town.

5 ...?

Absolutely not, Smith! We have no money for pay rises at present!

6 ...?

Certainly, sir. Would you like something to eat with your wine?

7 ...?

No, I couldn’t. My parents never took me to the mountains. Actually, I’ve never learnt.

8 ...?

You can’t. You’re going to school tomorrow morning so you’ll have an early night as usual.