Test 11 Units 41-46

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 11 Units 41-46

1 Complete the sentences with the imperative form of the verbs in the box. Then use them in the appropriate sentences 1- 6.


Sit down and be quiet! an order

1 ... to our party tomorrow.

2... this note to Mrs Smith, please.

3... at least a litre of water a day.

4... left when you get to the church.

5... yourselves at the seaside!

6 ... another sandwich, Martin.

2 Complete the sentences with the infinitives of a suitable verb.

I want to go to the cinema this evening.

1 He refused ... football with us.

2 This maths problem is very difficult ... .

3 Paul is working hard ... his project by Friday.

4 It’s time ... the office and go home.

5 John was very happy ... us when we moved house.

6 He decided ... art at university.

3 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs in the box.


I really like singing in the school choir.

1 I sat ... carefully while he explained everything.

2 It was an extremely ... film.

3 I’m going to keep on ... at this new gym.

4 It’s no good ... shopping without a credit card!

5 Jane prefers ... to cycling.

6 Paul is very good at ... his own bread.

4 Choose the correct alternative.


1 I have nothing nice wearing / to wear to Sue’s party.

2 I want to go out dancing / to dance on Saturday.

3 Jane really hates shopping / to shop for Christmas presents.

4 The doctor refused coming / to come and visit my mother.

5 It’s very hard understanding / to understand what he is saying.

6 Do you feel like watching / to watch a DVD tonight?

5 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 g 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ...

1 I have nobody  a living in a very hot country.

2 John is always ready b at sending me stupid e-mails!

3 I can’t imagine  c complaining about the price of things.

4 Can you explain how d going to the sales this year?

5 Alison is very good e to make this computer work?

6 Paul keeps on  f to help me when I have a problem.

7 Is it worth   g to go to the party with.

6 Dave and Lynn are discussing what to do next weekend. Complete the dialogue with the correct sentences. There are two sentences extra.


Dave: What would you like to do this weekend, Lynn?

Lynn: How about going to Wales?

Dave: What do you want to go to Wales for?

Lynn: (1) ...

Dave: Well, if it keeps on raining like this it won’t be very nice!

Lynn: Dave, don’t be so negative about everything.

(2) ...

Dave: But it’s a long way to go if the weather isn’t nice! Don’t you think so?

Lynn: (3) ...

Let’s go and then we’ll do what we can.

Dave: (4) ...

7 Write appropriate sentences, as in the example given.

You want to go dancing tomorrow. Ask Mary if she does.

Mary, would you like to go dancing tomorrow?

1 The students should be in their seats with their books open. Tell them to do that.

OK, everyone, ... and ... .

2 The dishes are dirty. Ask Paul to help you.

Paul, will you ..., please?

3 Pat smokes. Give her some advice.

Pat, I really think you should ... .

4 Offer your friend Liam a cake.

Here, Liam, ... .

5 Tell Steve you want to do something else on Saturday, not ski. Use not fancy.

Steve, I ... on Saturday. Let’s do something else.

6 You’ve made a decision - you’re going to buy a new mountain bike.

I’ve decided ... .