Test 10 Units 38-40

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 10 Units 38-40

1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate future (present continuous or present simple) of the verbs in brackets.

Next week I am leaving (leave) for Brazil.

1 Next Saturday we ... (go) for a drive in the country.

2 I’ll ask him about his holiday when he ... (come) to see us.

3 If you ... (see) Sally tomorrow, can you tell her about the party?

4 What ... you ... (watch) on TV tonight?

5 They’ll find the answer as soon as they ... (meet) him.

6 The train ... (leave) at half past seven.

2 Choose the correct alternative.

I’ve got an appointment with the manager. I A him at ten o’clock tomorrow.

am meeting B am going to meet C will meet

1 Here are the tickets. The train is on platform 9. We ... immediately.

A are leaving  B are going to leave C will leave

2 There’s no butter left, Paul … . ... some when you’re in town?

A Are you getting  B Are you going to get C Will you get

3 It’s such nice weather that I think we ... to the seaside next weekend.

A are going   B are going to go  C will go

4 Right, John, that’s a good idea! If you drive us there, I ... the petrol.

A am buying   B am going to buy  C will buy

5 ... to France, or haven’t they decided yet?

A Do they move  B Are they going to move C Will they move

6 I talked to him last week, and we ... again tomorrow.

A are talking   B are going to talk  C will talk

3 Complete the sentences with the future continuous of the verbs in the box.


This time tomorrow I will be taking my human anatomy exam.

1 At this time on Thursday he ... the doctor to talk about his health.

2 On Friday afternoon my mother ... her appendix removed.

3 At ten o’clock she ... her unborn baby on the ultrasound screen.

4 In two hours’ time they ... me my pre-operation injections.

5 Don’t worry, Mr Brown. In a month’s time you ... cricket again.

6 For the next three weeks Mary ... in a hospital bed.

4 Complete the sentences about Mike’s operation with the future perfect of the verbs in brackets.

It’s two o’clock. Mike will have had (have) all the medical tests by now.

1 By this time next week he ... (receive) the results of the tests.

2 By the following day the doctors ... (make) a decision about what to do.

3 If they decide to operate, we expect they ... (operate) by Thursday.

4 By the weekend they ... (take) Mike off the critical list.

5 If his recovery goes well, he ... (start) work again by this time next month.

6 Everyone will be happy because the doctors ... (save) Mike’s life.

5 Complete the short dialogues with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.

John: There’s no flour in the cupboard.

Mary: Oh, dear! I (buy) will buy some when I go out shopping this afternoon.

1 Pete: You’re on holiday next week, aren’t you?

Gary: Yes, just think ... this time next week I ... (lie) on a hot sunny beach!

2 Mick: Have you decided what you ... (do) after school yet?

Lucy: No, I haven’t.

3 Dave: Have you seen Mr Roberts about that contract yet?

Jane: No, but we ... (meet) tomorrow at three.

4 Dick: So it’s a quick decision, then?

Ron: Yes, it is! I’ll start the job as soon as I ... (get) there.

5 Angela: Oh, this is such a boring job, isn’t it?

Daniel: Yes, it is! But think. by this time tomorrow we ...(finish) it.

6 Sue: Oh no! I haven’t got any change for the machine.

Sarah: Don’t worry, I ... (pay) for it.

7 Daniel: Are you sure she will come? What if she doesn’t turn up?

Bruce: If she doesn’t get here by two, I ... (walk) away and never call her again.

6 Complete the sentences with the time expressions in the box.


What are you planning to do on Friday?

1 What are you going to do ... you leave school?

2 I’ve got the tickets - we’re leaving ... in the afternoon.

3 ... tomorrow I’ll be working in a new office.

4 I’ll try to talk to them ... they leave home.

5 ... you’ll have finished your treatment.

6 Never mind! I’ll post the letters ... .

7 Chris and John are talking about their holiday plans. Complete the dialogue with the correct sentences. There are two sentences extra.


Chris: Hi John. How are you?

John: Fine thanks. And you?

Chris: I’m OK. So what are you going to do in the holidays?

John: (1) ...

Chris: Oh, that’s nice. When will you know whether you’re going or not?

John: (2) ...

Chris: But won’t it be difficult to find flights and accommodation then?

John: (3) ...

Chris: That’s very nice. I’m going to relax somewhere hot instead.

John: (4) ...

Chris: By this time next week I’ll be lying on a beach in Goa.

John: (5) ...