Test 9 Units 34-37

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 9 Units 34-37

1 Use the words to write sentences with going to.

I / visit / my parents / on Saturday.

I’m going to visit my parents on Saturday.

1 He / play / for our team / tomorrow

2 When / you / go / Moscow / ?

3 They / not watch / the Olympics / this year

4 We / take / my mother / to the seaside

5 She / not write / her essay / tonight

6 Where / they / stay / in Italy / ?

2 Complete the sentences with the future will using the words in brackets.

I’m sure he willlend you the money you need. (lend)

1 I wonder if they ... to our summer party. (come)

2 I don’t think she ... very happy about that. (be)

3 ... you ... us for dinner this evening? (join)

4 They ... if you don’t remind them. (not phone)

5 ... she ... him or not? What do you think? (marry)

6 He ... on time if he doesn’t leave now. (not arrive)

3 Complete the sentences with the appropriate future (going to or will) with the verbs in brackets.

I’ve already decided that I am going to visit Egypt next year. (visit)

1 They have made their plans, and they ... in China for two years. (stay)

2 What? There’s no sugar left? I ... and buy some immediately. (go)

3 No, I’m sorry. I ... you any more! (not help)

4 What ... you ... next Saturday afternoon? (do)

5 Susan certainly ... the new job if she behaves like that. (not get)

6 Michael has told us that he ... at the end of next year. (retire)

4 Choose the correct alternative.


1 Here are the tickets. We will / are going to leave at seven thirty.

2 No, no discussion! I will / am going to get the first round of drinks.

3 ’What about next year?’ ’No plans, but I think it will / is going to be very different.’

4 I wonder what he will / is going to do now she’s left him so suddenly.

5 From looking at the reports I’d say there will / is going to be a big improvement.

6 Look at those clouds - it will / is going to rain very soon.

5 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 d 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ...

1 I’ll get the shopping   a he will bring the company car.

2 She’s going to visit   b if they don’t get a better salary.

3 They will go on strike  c the company accounts on Monday.

4 Paul’s going to write  d you wanted when I’m in town.

5 If you ask John    e a new business plan at the weekend.

6 They are going to publish f Monday the 14th.

7 The meeting will take place on g her new office next Thursday.

6 Read the questions and write affirmative (✓) or negative (X) short form answers.

Is Jenny going to go with you? ✓    Yes, she is.

1 Are the boys going to come home next weekend? ✓

2 Will you get some bread while you’re out? ✓

3 Are you going to stay with Mary on Sunday night? X

4 Will your parents be able to help us? X

5 Do you think Paul will get the director’s job? ✓

6 Is Bill going to stay on after you retire? X

7 Complete the business news article with the appropriate future (going to or will) of the verbs in brackets.

This is the business news, and first let’s look at the Bright Cars Corporation. Now, based upon their first quarter returns, they are going to have (have) a very good second quarter. Their overall production (1) ... probably ... (be) better than the same time last year, although we have to consider this against the report by Ronald Bright earlier today saying that the company (2) ... (close) two of its factories in the south-east. That news (3) ... certainly ... (come) as a shock to the workers in that part of the country, and we have already heard that they (4) ... (hold) demonstrations outside the factories on Saturday. Let’s hope that the news about increased production (5) ... (calm) the workers down. Elsewhere, there’s good news from the Bank of England, who say that inflation (6) ... (go) down by at least one percent in the next quarter.

8 Complete the dialogue with the appropriate future (going to or will) of the verbs in brackets.

Dick: What are you going to do (do) when you leave school, Jane?

Jane: Well, I (1) ... (study) chemistry at university.

Dick: Really? What university do you want to go to?

Jane: If they let me, I (2) ... (go) to Manchester. It’s got a good department.

Dick: And what sort of job (3) ... you ... (get) with a chemistry degree?

Jane: I don’t know yet, but I’m sure I (4) ... (find) something. (5) ... you not ... (go) to university, then?

Dick: I haven’t applied. I think I (6) ... (try) some work experience in my father’s factory first.

Jane: Oh right. That’s a good idea.