Test 8 Units 29-33

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 8 Units 29-33

1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Pat and June have been living in Rome for a year. (live)

1 The Smiths ... to Brighton for their holidays for years. (go)

2 ... you ... organic food for a long time? (eat)

3 How long ... your brother ... on his university thesis? (work)

4 We ... to this restaurant since 2002. (come)

5 I ... this method of study for quite a long time. (use)

6 What ... the dog ... to get so dirty? (do)

2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.

I have seen him several times recently. (see)

1 She ... about the exam results for several weeks. (know)

2 They ... those birds for more than three hours. (watch)

3 We ... here for at least an hour. (be)

4 The students ... for the exam to start for twenty minutes. (wait)

5 I ... this book for two weeks and I still can’t get into it. (read)

6 My father ... at least three different Fiat cars. (own)

3 Complete the sentences with the past perfect simple of the verbs in brackets.

Mike had been at school for two hours when we arrived. (be)

1 The teacher ... my problems even before I mentioned them. (understand)

2 Before the end of term, John ... several meetings with the headmaster. (have)

3 Petra ... as hard as she could with her revision. (work)

4 The lesson ... already ... when Peter Smith walked in. (begin)

5 When she saw the test, Kate realized that she ... enough. (not study)

6 I ... a lot before the exam, but in the end it was easy. (worry)

4 Complete the sentences with the past perfect continuous or past simple of the verbs in brackets.

Angela had been studying (study) physics for many years before she passed (pass) the exam.

1 Jim ... (wait) for weeks when the exam results ... (arrive).

2 The students ... (think) about going home before the bell ... (ring).

3 Tracey ... (hope) to go to university, but she ... her exams (fail)

4 The teacher ... (do) a chemistry experiment when something ... (explode).

5 Sarah ... (try) to solve the problem for an hour before she ... (finish) it.

6 The lecturer ... (talk) for fifteen minutes when the fire alarm ... (go off).

5 Complete the dialogue with the present perfect simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.

The teacher has been asking (ask) Paul some questions about his studies.

Teacher: So you want to study biology at university, Paul?

Paul: That’s right, sir.

Teacher: And how long (1) ... you ... (study) biology now?

Paul: For three years, sir.

Teacher: And what aspects of biology (2) ... you ... (look) at recently?

Paul: We (3) ... (read) about animal’s teeth and the teacher (4) ... (show) us different skulls.

Teacher: And (5) ... you ... (find) that interesting, Paul?

Paul: Yes, sir. Very. But we (6) ... also ... (discuss) plant evolution and looking at fossils, and I like that even more.

6 Complete the text with the correct verb tense.

Paul had been going (go) to Mile Road School for three months before he made (make) any friends. At primary school he (1) ... always ... (be) a quiet boy, and (2) ... only ... (play) with his best friend John, who unfortunately (3) ... (leave) the town before Paul (4) ... (start) secondary school. Mile Road School was very big and there were thirty students in his class. Paul (5) ... (wonder) for some time if he would be happy there, when he finally (6) ... (meet) a boy called David at the chess club, and they soon became very close friends.

7 Use the words to write sentences with the present perfect continuous or past perfect continuous.

April: Jack / go to football club; June last year / first team

Jack had been going to the football club for two months before he played for the first team.

age 12: Susan / compete in tennis tournaments; now Susan has been competing in tennis tournaments since she was twelve.

1 2004: Jill / study German; 2008 / take the exam

2 January: Danny / live in London; now

3 2007: Bob / have dance lessons; 2008 / meet Janet

4 age 6: Bill / play the guitar; now