Test 7 Units 23-28

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 7 Units 23-28

1 Write the past participle of these irregular verbs.

be been

1 begin ...

2 choose ...

3 come ...

4 do ...

5 fall …

6 fly ...

7 forget ...

8 give ...

9 see ...

10 shake ...

11 speak ...

12 steal ...

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present perfect of the verbs in brackets.

Have you been to India? (be)

1 ... they ... the new James Bond film? (see)

2 I ... my homework. (not finish)

3 Which team ... the football match? (win)

4 We ... all the sights in this area. (visit)

5 Julie ... that story. (not read)

6 ... you ... any new CDs? (buy)

3 Rewrite the sentences inserting the adverbs in brackets in the correct place.

I have eaten my dinner. (already)

I have already eaten my dinner.

1 They have done their homework. (not...yet)

2 He has finished mending his bike. (just)

3 Have you washed your hair? (yet)

4 Has Susan made her bed? (already)

5 Dave has given me my CD back. (still not)

6 The boys have gone home. (already)

4 Complete the sentences with the adverbs in the box.


I have already visited the National Gallery twice.

1 No, I have ... played squash with Michael.

2 Have you been to this restaurant ...?

3 Has she ... met a film star?

4 He has ... become interested in old maps.

5 He was here yesterday, but he hasn’t been into the shop ... .

6 I have met him many times, and he has ... told me about his travels in Africa.

5 Write since or for in front of these words and expressions.

since April

1 ... five years. 3 ... forty minutes 5 ... I met her

2 ... 2003 4 ... a long time 6 ... Monday

6 Janet wants to change office. Read her answers and write Mrs Green’s questions. Use the words given, How long ...? and the present perfect.

Mrs Green: you / work / here / ? How long have you worked here?

Janet: I’ve worked here for three years.

Mrs Green: you / use / Photoshop / ? (1) ...

Janet: I’ve used Photoshop since before I started to work here.

Mrs Green: your office / have / Microsoft Vista / ? (2) ...

Janet: It’s had it since last year.

Mrs Green: you / want / change / jobs / ? (3) ...

Janet: I’ve wanted to change jobs since Mr Watson arrived.

Mrs Green: Mr Watson / be / office manager / ? (4) ...

Janet: He’s been office manager for three months.

Mrs Green: you / dislike / Mr Watson / ? (5) ...

Janet: I’ve disliked Mr Watson since the first day he arrived.

Mrs Green: you / try / get / a job / in our department / ? (6) ...

Janet: I’ve tried to get a job in your department for the last two months.

Mrs Green: Well, congratulations, Janet. You’ve got the job.

7 Present perfect or past simple? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Carol: Have you ever been (be) to Africa?

Stuart: Yes, I have. I (1) ... (go) there in 2005.

Carol: And which countries (2) ... (visit) when you (3) ... (be) there?

Stuart: I (4) ... (travel) through South Africa, Botswana and Swaziland.

Carol: So you (5) ... never ... (see) Central Africa.

Stuart: No, it (6) ... (be) too dangerous to go there at that time.

Carol: And (7) ... you ... (plan) any other trips to Africa?

Stuart: Yes, I have. I (8) ... (organise) a tour to East Africa for 2010.

Carol: Why (9) ... you ... (decide) to go to East Africa?

Stuart: Because I (10) ... (never visit) any of the countries there. My brother (11) ... (be) there three times in the past two years and he (12) ... (tell) me it’s a fantastic place to visit.

8 Complete the text with the words in the box.


My mum has just called upstairs to see if I’ve finished my homework yet. I don’t know what the problem is because I’ve (1) ... told her that I have a lot of exercises to do this

weekend. I don’t know why but our teachers have given us more homework (2) ... . I have had more each week (3) ... Easter and it’s more difficult, too. Perhaps they

think that we have (4) ... practised enough ... . But we have (5) ... done lots of practice, so we should be good by now. Anyway, we’ve had this large amount of homework (6) ... the last three weeks.