Test 6 Units 20-22

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 6 Units 20-22

1 Use the words to write sentences with used to for habits in the past.

I play in the sand pit / when / a boy

I used to play in the sand pit when I was a boy.

1 he / read comics / when / a child

2 they / cry a lot / when / little

3 you / like cartoons / when / young / ?

4 your dog / chase you / when / a puppy?

5 I / not have / many toys / when / child

6 we / not have / a lot of friends / when / live there

2 Complete the sentences with the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Paul was walking in Paris this time yesterday. (walk)

1 The girls ... hockey all yesterday morning. (play)

2 Jane ... for the party yesterday afternoon. (bake)

3 Danny ... hard for his exam last week. (study)

4 They ... in the garden last Saturday. (help)

5 I ... the car on Sunday morning. (wash)

6 We ... TV until late last night. (watch)

3 Past continuous or past simple? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I was eating (eat) my dinner when the lights went (go) out.

1 She ... (have) a shower when the telephone ... (ring).

2 Paul ... (carry) some boxes when he ... (fall) down.

3 They ... (drive) to London when they ... (have) the accident.

4 We ... (make) lunch when Peter ... (arrive).

5 The teacher ... (clean) the board when the students ...(come) in.

6 The cat ... (sleep) when the dog ... (bite) it.

4 Complete the Wh- questions with the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Where were you going. (go) when I saw you yesterday?

1 When ... he ... to the seaside? (travel)

2 Why ... they ... in the park last night? (walk)

3 How ... she ... the turkey for Christmas? (cook)

4 What ... we ... about when we agreed to play in the match?! (think)

5 Who ... he ... to yesterday morning? (talk)

6 Where ... they ... in 1998? (live)

5 These friends were on the beach yesterday. Look at the table and write what they were doing according to the numbers.


Bill and Andy

eat sandwiches / on beach


Sam and Liz buy souvenirs


Lara and Sue sunbathe / on beach


Rick water-ski


Pete, Jim and Ron play football



eat ice cream / in street


Sally shop / in town


Annie and Sarah sleep / on beach



drink cola / in cafe


Mary write postcards


Steve and Rob build sandcastle


1+6 While Paul and Dave were swimming in the sea, Rick was water-skiing.

2+7 ...

3+8 ...

4+9 ...

5+10 ...

11+12 ...

6 Inspector Jones asks Billy Badd about what he was doing yesterday when the crime was committed. Complete the dialogue with the past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

Jones: Right Badd. What were you doing (do) at three o’clock yesterday afternoon?

Badd: Let’s see, Inspector. I think I (1) ... (sit) in the Red Cafe in town.

Jones: Who (2) ... you ... (talk) to?

Badd: I was with Paul Crimes. We (3) ... (drink) a pot of tea and (4) ... (look) at the people passing by. We (5) ... (wait) for Peter Thief to arrive.

Jones: How long did you wait?

Badd: About twenty minutes, Inspector. He was late. He (6) ... (come) from the other end of town.

Jones: What (7) ... you ... (talk) about with Crimes?

Badd: Oh, I can’t really remember, Inspector, but I’m sure we (8) ... (have) a nice chat. It was about the weather and his mother’s health, I think.

7 Andrew is talking to his grandfather. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of used to or would and the verbs in brackets.

Grandad: And we used to play (play) in the street, because there were no cars.

Andrew: What (1) ... you ... (play)?

Grandad: We (2) ... (play) different kinds of running, catching and hiding games.

Andrew: Why (3) ... you ... (do) that?

Grandad: Because we (4) ... (not have) many toys in those days.

Andrew: What toys (5) ... you ... (have)?

Grandad: We (6) ... (make) our own toys out of wood and paper.