Test 5 Units 16-19

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 5 Units 16-19

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple of the verb be.

I was at the cinema last night.

1 Where ... Paul yesterday?

2 They ... in town last Saturday.

3 … he there when it happened?

4 We ... very interested in it.

5 … you at Steve’s party last week?

6 What ... the weather like during your holiday?

2 Complete the sentences with the past simple of the regular verbs in the box.


I worked there for a week last month.

1 Jane ... around Europe by train.

2 We ... to school to get there on time.

3 I ... Mike’s new house last weekend.

4 She ... the new Johnny Depp film.

5 Paul ... his maths exam last week.

6 They ... at the White Horse Hotel.

3 Write the past simple of the verbs in the box in the correct column, according to pronunciation.


4 Use the words to write Yes / No questions in the past simple and give affirmative (✓) or negative (X) short answers.

you / feed / cat / ?

Did you feed the cat? Yes, I did.

1 they / visit / Paris / ?

2 he / go / by car / ? X

3 she / like / the museum / ?

4 you / swim / in the sea? X

5 he / enjoy / flying / ?

6 your brother / like / the holiday? X

5 Complete the text with the past simple using the verbs in brackets.

Last summer the Browns travelled (travel) to Italy for the first time. They (1) ... (go) by car and (2) ... (camp) to save money. They (3) ... (find) lots of nice campsites and (4) ... (enjoy) meeting people from other countries who also (5) ... (use) the sites. They (6) ... (leave) their car at the campsites and (7) ... (take) a bus or train into the city which they (8) ... (want) to visit. This (9) ... (be) cheaper and easier. They (10) ... (see) Florence, Rome and Bologna. They (11) ... (think) that Florence (12) ... (be) the nicest, despite the large numbers of tourists, which (13) ... (mean) that they (14) ... (have) to queue to get into the museums and galleries. They (15) ... (return) home very tired after their trip.

6 John is getting ready for his holiday; put the sentences in the right order and then write a short paragraph adding first, then, next, after that and finally.

О he went to a sports shop and bought some skis

О he visited a travel agent’s to get some brochures

О he had some ski lessons on the beginners’ slopes

О he booked his holiday

О he flew to his resort in the Dolomites

John decided to go skiing for the first time last December. First ...

7 Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box. Insert the verbs in the past simple.


Douglas: So how was the party last night, Lucy?

Lucy: It was very nice, thank you.

Douglas: Did you meet any interesting people?

Lucy: Yes, I (1) ... a musician called Angela.

Douglas: Really? What was so interesting about her?

Lucy: Oh, she (2) ... how difficult it was to get regular work, and that she did other things to make money.

Douglas: I see. And did they feed you well?

Lucy: Yes. I (3) ... and it was lovely.

Douglas: Mmm. That sounds nice. And what else happened?

Lucy: Well, I (4) ... with a man called Robert.

Douglas: A waltz? What kind of party was it?!

Lucy: It was very high class! And then some people (5) ...

Douglas: What kind of songs?

Lucy: Folk songs. With a guitar and piano.

Douglas: Right. And what time did you get home?

Lucy: I (6) ... at one o’clock in the morning.

Douglas: So you were home by two?

Lucy: Yes, that’s right.