Test 4 Units 11-15

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 4 Units 11-15

1 Complete the sentences with the present continuous using the verbs in brackets.

My father is working in the garden at the moment. (work)

1 The children ... in their room. (play)

2 John ... maths for his exam now. (study)

3 The girls ... paper decorations for the party. (cut)

4 My grandparents ... to stay at the weekend. (come)

5 My mother ... to Spain next Monday. (travel)

6 Paul ... on the sofa again - he feels ill. (lie)

2 Use the words to write Wh- questions in the present continuous.

What / you / do / now / ?    What are you doing now?

1 How / she / travel / to Rome / ? ...

2 Where / they / going / tomorrow / ? ...

3 When / Paul / arrive / at the station / ? ...

4 Who / we / meet / next / ? ...

5 Why / she / bake / a cake / now / ? ...

6 How / they / get / to school / today / ? ...

3 Use the words to write Yes / No questions in the present continuous. Then write short answers (✓= affirmative, X = negative)

they / play / football / now / ?

Are they playing football now? Yes, they are.

1 Georgia / read / the paper / right now / ? X

2 you / do / homework / now / ?

3 she / feed / cat / at the moment/ ? X

4 we / put / up / decorations / today / ?

5 Dan / fly / France / on Monday/ ?

6 you / take / shower / now / ? X

4 Write N (now), LP (over a long period) or F (future), according to the period we are talking about.

... He’s cooking lunch right now.

1 ... He’s painting the bedroom at this very moment.

2 ... They’re arriving in an hour from now.

3 ... I’m working in the accounts office this month.

4 ... They’re leaving for London tomorrow morning.

5 ... We’re cleaning the car in the afternoon.

6 ... She’s staying with me until Christmas.

5 Use the words to write sentences with the present simple or the present continuous.

Mike / usually / work / Monday / but today / holiday / and / go / seaside

Mike usually / works on Monday, but today is a holiday and he’s going to the seaside.

1 Steve / usually / sleep late / Sunday / but today / get up / six o’clock / because / fly / France ...

2 Jane / usually / meet / mother / for lunch / but today / not meet / her / because / work on / new project / in office ...

3 Paul / usually / play / tennis / Tuesday evenings / but tonight / take / wife / theatre ...

4 Liz / usually / cook dinner / for friends / Saturdays / but tonight / they / invite / her / restaurant ...

5 Bill / usually / go / stadium / Saturday afternoons / but today / stay / home / because / feel ill ...

6 Look at the timetable and write what the students are doing at different times of the day.






dog for walk

with Tom




to town

tennis with June

tennis with Rob





dinner with Kay

dinner with June


computer games




10.00 Tom / Rob

Tom and Rob are taking the dog for a walk.

1 14.00 Rob / June ...

2 18.00 June / Kay ...

3 all day / Kay ...

4 all evening / Rob ...

5 22.00 / June ...

7 Look at the new timetable in exercise 6 and write questions and answers as in the example. Remember to add in the morning / afternoon / evening.

10.00 June / Kay

What are June and Kay doing at ten o’clock in the morning.

While June is studying maths, Kay is studying biology.

1 14.00 Tom / Rob ...

2 14.00 June / Kay ...

3 18.00 Rob / Kay ...

4 22.00 Tom / June ...

5 22.00 Rob / Kay ...