Test 3 Units 7-10

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 3 Units 7-10

1 Complete the second sentence using the third person singular form of the verb used in the first sentence.

You work on Saturdays.   She works on Saturdays, too.

1 I run fast.     He ... fast, too.

2 I carry my books in a big bag. She ... her books in a small bag.

3 We eat our dinner at six.  The dog ... its dinner at five.

4 I study English.    Larry ... English, too.

5 They do their homework every day. Sarah ... her homework on Saturday.

6 I teach French.    My brother ... biology.

2 Complete the second sentence with the negative form of the verb used in the first sentence.

I work hard at English. I don’t work hard at maths.

1 I go to school on Mondays. I ... to school on Saturdays.

2 He watches football on TV. He ... football at the stadium.

3 We catch the 14 bus. We ... the 18 bus.

4 She does karate and plays rubgy. She ... ballet and tennis.

5 They finish school early. They ... school late.

3 Use the words to write questions in the present simple.

you / play football / Saturdays / ?  Do you play football on Saturdays?

1 you / do / homework / on Sundays / ? ...

2 they / go / cinema / every Friday / ? ...

3 he / write / e-mails / every day / ? ...

4 we / know / man / called Roberts / ? ...

5 she / wash / car / Sunday mornings / ? ...

6 you / cook / dinner / weekdays / ? ...


5 Match sentences 1-7 with a-g.

1 d 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7...

1 It tastes like

2 He seems to be

3 It looks like

4 When you touch it

5 When he plays the violin

6 It smells like

7 This maths result

a a beautiful place to live.

b very expensive perfume.

c it sounds very good.

d vanilla ice-cream

e a very nice person.

f doesn’t look right.

g it feels very rough.

6 Complete the interview with the correct form of the present simple using the verbs in brackets.

Mr Brown: So, where do you live (live), Miss Jones?

Miss Jones: I live in the centre of town.

Mr Brown: And how (1) ... (travel) into town?

Miss Jones: (2) ... usually ... (come) here by bus.

Mr Brown: What time (3) ... (wake up) on Monday morning?

Miss Jones: (4) ... (get up) at seven o’clock every day of the week.

Mr Brown: Why?

Miss Jones: Because (5) ... (run) in the park before breakfast.

7 Look at the table and write what Steve usually does at the weekend.




play football for school (always)

get up late and do homework (always)


go into town with friends (usually)

visit grandparents (sometimes)


watch DVD with parents (sometimes)

e-mail friends/surf internet (usually)

On Saturday morning he always plays football for the school.

1 On Saturday afternoon ... .

2 ... .

3 On Sunday morning ... .

4 ... .

5 ... .

8 Read the survey results and complete the sentences about what London teenagers do. Using the information, finish the last sentence.

In a recent survey of how teenagers in London spend their time, there was some alarming information. The results show the main things they do in the 168 hours of the week:


10-15 hours


8-10 hours


35 hours


10 hours


60 hours


2 hours

With friends

5-8 hours

Personal care

boys 4 hours/girls 6-8 hours


6-10 hours

(sleep) The average teenager sleeps for about 60 hours a week.

1 (watch TV) The average teenager ... .

2 (use computer) Teenagers ... .

3 (spend) Teenagers ... with friends.

4 (spend) The average girl ... on personal care.

5 The average teenager ... .