Test 2 Units 5-6

TOP Grammar Teacher’s book, Testbook, Answer Keys - Rachel Finnie, Carol Frain, David A. Hill, Karen Thomas 2010

Test 2 Units 5-6

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got. Use the short form where possible.

His parents have got an old car.

1 I ... a new bicycle.

2 We ... a pet dog.

3 Sarah ... a pretty party dress.

4 Dave and Sue ... a nice flat.

5 My dog Prince ... a blue collar.

6 Danny ... some lovely toys.

2 Write questions using have / has got. Then write short answers.

you / skateboard / ?

Have you got a skateboard? Yes, I have.

1 he / pet?

2 the boys / football / ? X

3 Angela / warm hat / ? X

4 we / enough milk / ?

5 the rabbit / any carrots / ? X

6 Emily / long hair? X

3 Match sentences 1-7 with sentences a-g.

1 d 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ...

1 I’ve got a new phone

2 She’s got brown hair

3 Paul’s got a headache

4 Lynn’s got a red dress

5 They haven’t got any

6 Lizzie hasn’t got a

7 My sister’s boyfriend has got

a and a sore throat.

b information about it.

c with pink buttons on it.

d with a camera in it.

e strong muscles.

f and green eyes.

g pen friend in Australia.

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


He works in the garden all day, then he has a shower.

1 I’m very hungry. Let’s stop and have ... .

2 She’s got a bad ... . Don’t disturb her.

3 Dicky always has a ... when it’s his birthday.

4 I’m tired of Britain. Let’s have a ... in France next year.

5 I hope they have a ... at the music festival.

6 The children are thirsty. Let’s have a ... at this cafe.

5 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of have got.

Jane: I have got some very interesting news for you: Michael (1) ... a new girlfriend!

Lois: Really? But (2) ... he ... a girlfriend already?

Jane: No, Sally left him last month. She (3) ... a new boyfriend in Paris.

Lois: But Michael (4) ... just ... a job at the new clothes shop in the high street.

He (5) ... time for a girlfriend now!

Jane: That’s his problem!

6 Sandie is leaving tomorrow for a skiing holiday and has packed too many things. Read the description and tick (✓) the things she needs and put a cross (X) next to the things she probably doesn’t need.

Sandie’s got a suitcase full of clothes to take to the mountains. It’s very cold there, and some things she has are not necessary. She’s got ✓ a big warm coat, and (1) ... a warm hat. She’s got (2) ... her bikini and (3) ... her sun hat. She’s got (4) ... a pair of thick trousers and (5) ... her mountain boots. She’s got (6) ... shorts and (7) ... a thin cotton T-shirt. She’s got (8) ... a thick woollen pullover, (9) ... a scarf and (10) ... a pair of gloves.

7 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of have got and the words in the box.


John: It’s sports day at school, mum. I’m going to be late home.

Mum: OK, love Have you got your sports clothes?

John: Yes, mum. They’re here in my sports bag.

Mum: (1) ... your (2) ...?

John: Yes, mum. And it’s very heavy.

Mum: (3) ... your (4) ...?

John: Yes, mum. They’re here in my bag.

Mum: (5) ... your new (6) ... so I can call you?

John: Yes, mum. It’s in my jacket pocket.

Mum: I think (7) ... your new (8) ... . Where is it?

John: It’s on your desk on a piece of paper.

Mum: And (9) ... the money for your (10) ...?

John: Yes, mum. It’s in my trouser pocket.

Mum: Good. Have a nice day.

8 Complete the answers for these questions.

What have you got in your hand ? I haven’t got anything in my hand.

1 What ...? He’s got a huge sandwich for his lunch.

2 Where ...? I’ve got my English lesson in Class 2D.

3 Why ...? She’s got her hat on because it’s cold.

4 When ...? We’ve got our bus home in five minutes.

5 Who ...? I’ve got my little brother with me.