
Real Grammar - Susan Conrad, Douglas Biber 2009


Real Grammar has benefited from the input of numerous people. We would especially like to thank the teachers who piloted units in their classrooms and provided helpful feedback: Darbra Smith, Heather De Munn, Youjin Kim, and Norman Yoshida. Thanks also to the Portland State University Corpus Group and to the many students and teachers in Arizona, Oregon, and throughout the world who gave us feedback on earlier versions of units, the table of contents, and other matters. Finally, we have been very fortunate to work with Francoise Leffler as our editor at Pearson Longman; her expertise improved both the book itself and the process of its production.

Susan Conrad and Douglas Biber

Reviewers and Piloters

The publisher would like to thank the following reviewers and piloters for their valuable comments and insights.

Linda Anderson, Washington University; Eric Arbogast, Westchester Community College; Kim Bayer, Hunter College; Kathleen Belitsky, Mt Wachusett Community College; Diane Bumpass, Virginia Commonwealth University; Linda Butler, Holyoke Community College; Sharon Cavusgil, Georgia State University; Nancy Centers, Roger Williams University;

Christopher Davis, Hunter College; Heather De Munn, Keimyung University; Kaye Foster, Sierra College; Anthony Halderman, Cuesta College; Mary Hill, North Shore Community College; Barbara Hockman, CCSF, San Francisco; Tamara Jones, Howard Community College; Mandy Kama, Georgetown; Gwendolyn Kane, Raritan Valley Community College; Youjin Kim, Northern Arizona University; Katie Leite, Howard Community College; Kathy Mills-Hastings, Westchester Community College; Tom Riedmiller, University of Northern Iowa; Sarah Saxer, Howard Community College; Kathy Sherak, SFSU, San Francisco; Darbra Smith, Portland State University; Michelle Smith, Bunker Hill Community College; Helen Solorzano, Suffolk University; Marjorie Starnberg, Hunter College; Margery Toll, CSU Fresno; Gita Villensky, Miami-Dade College; Carol Wilson-Duffy, Michigan State University; Norman Yoshida, Lewis and Clark College