29 words (3): other vocabulary problems - Upper Intermediate

Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008

29 words (3): other vocabulary problems
Upper Intermediate

1 A. See 11.1.

2 C and D. See 104.1.

3 rather. See 104.2.

4 C. See 120.

5 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Could be: checking or inspecting.

C. Right.

D. Wrong. Could be: check or (informal) have a look at.

See 145.

6 A. Wrong. Should be: ... live in nice country....

B. Wrong. Should be: ... in the town or the country.

C. Right.

See 150.

7 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Should be: ... in evening dress. See 164.1.

8 A. dress

B. Get dressed

C. put on; take it off

See 164.2.

9 A. Wrong. Should be: ... I enjoyed it very much.

B. Wrong. Should be: ... I don't enjoy looking after....

C. Wrong. Should be: Enjoy yourselves! See 186.

10 A. even

B. Even if

C. Even though

D. Both.

E. Even so

See 189.3-5.

11 B. See 189.5.

12 A. See 190.

13 В (see 198) and D (see 570.2).

14 A. Wrong. B. Right. C. Right.

See 570.1.

15 A. Right. See 223.2.

B. Wrong. Should be: Wayne's getting to be / becoming a lovely kid. See 223.1 and 223.6.

16 A. Get the dog out of the bedroom.

В. Get your papers off my desk.

C. Will this bus get us back to the airport?

See 223.3.

17 A. Wrong. Should be: I can't get the children to go to bed.

B. Right.

See 224.1 and 224.2.

18 A. Right. See 224.3.

B. Right (but had is used more often with this meaning). See 224.4.

19 A, Band D. See 249.1.

20 A. Right.

B. Right.

C. Wrong. Should be: ... had a hard life.

D. Right.

See 324.

21 A and F. See 335.1 and 335.3.

22 A and D. See 337.

23 A. Wrong. Should be untie or undo.

B. Right.

C. Wrong. Should be switch on or turn on.

D. Wrong. Should be on.

See 399.2.

24 В and C. See 405.1 and 405.2.

25 В, C and E. See 503.1.

26 A. such

C. such

E. so

B. so

D. so

F. such

See 569. land 569.2.

27 B. See 569.2.

28 A. See 574.