
Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008


1 present and future verbs

1 A and D. See 463.1 and 463.2.

2 A. Right. B. Wrong.

See 466.6.

3 A. We normally use says to quote instructions. See 466.5.

4 A. See 214.2.

5 B. See 470.3.

6 A. See 466.4. For the use of promise with infinitive, see 277.1.

7 B. See 214.2.

8 A. Wrong. B. Right. C. Right.

See 214.2.

9 Both of them are right. See 214.3 and 213.4.

10 Both. See 465.2.

11 Both. If you thought В was wrong, see 218.5.

12 C. See 220.1.

13 A and B. See 219.

2 past and perfect verbs

1 All of them. See 143.2.

2 All of them are right. See 422.4.

3 A and B. In C, the situation is a temporary one, so the past progressive should be used. See 422.6.

4 A and В are correct. For A (to be finished), see 205. For B, see 566.7.

5 C.

How long are you here for? = 'Until when will you be staying?';

How long were you here for? = 'How long did you stay here in the past?’;

How long have you been here for? = 'Since when have you been here?’.

See 208.1.

6 A. Wrong. B. Right. See 458.7 and 460.1.

7 В, C, D, E and F. For use of the present perfect with time words like before, recently, and never when they mean 'at some/аnу time up to now’, see 455.5.

8 Both of them are right. A is a regular, planned event; В is unexpected. See 472.

9 It’s wrong. The exam is over, so a past tense (we studied / we'd studied enough to pass it) is needed here. See 456.1.

10 A. Wrong. B. Wrong. C. Right.

See 458.2.

11 A and C. If you thought C was wrong, see 458.3.

12 C. See 458.4.

13 C. See 459.2.

14 Both of them are right. See 458.8 and 459.2.

15 B. See 459.3.

16 Only D. See 460.2.

17 A, B, E and F. See 458.7 and 460.1.

18 Both of them are right. See 425.4.

3 auxiliary verbs

1 Both of them are right. If you thought В was wrong, see 91.1.

2 B. See 91.1.

3 D. See 91.3.

4 A and C. If you thought C was wrong, see

91.5. If you thought Bwasright, see287.1.

5 Only A. See 238.1.

6 All of them are right except B. See 161.

7 A and D. See 238.1. If you thoughts was correct, see 335.1.

8 It’s right. See 238.3.

9 B. See 238.5.

4 modal verbs (1): can, could, may, might

1 Only A is right. If you thought В was right, see 124.1.

2 A, C and D are right. В should be, for example, I managed to... or I was able to.... See 122.5.

3 A and C are right. В should be: Peter was allowed to... See 124.3.

4 All four are possible, but C and D are very formal. See 340.1.

5 All three are possible. See 122.7 and 339.8.

6 C. See 124.7.

7 A. could tell

B . could tell

If you answered could know for A or B, see 125.2.

8 A. couldn’t

B. wouldn't (past refusal - see 629.4.)

9 It's wrong. Should be might, not may. See 339.5.

10 A, В and D are right. If you thought В or D were wrong, see 341.

11 Both are possible. See 344. (With meaning A, might would be stressed in speech; with meaning B, told would be stressed.)

12 All four are right. See 345.4.

13 A and B. See 345.4.

5 modal verbs (2): will, would, used to, must, should, ought

1 B. See 629.3.

2 All four are right. See 629.5.

3 All three are right. See 629.5.

4 A and C. See 359.4.

5 Only C is right. See 359.2.

6 They are all possible. See 360.6.

7 В and C. If you thought A was right, see 519.3. If you thought В was wrong, see 519.4.

8 A. Should be: It oughtn’t to rain today.

B. Right.

See 403.1.

9 В and C. See 520.1.

10 A. See 403.4.

11 Should. See 403.4.

12 A, В and C are right. A is less formal and more commonly used. See 403.6.

13 B. See 230.1.

14 B. See the Note at the end of 230.1.

15 Both are right. A is less formal and more commonly used. See 604.5.

6 structures with infinitives

1 Both. See 280.3.

2 They are both right. See 281.4.

3 A is right; В is wrong. See 284.3.

4 A and C. See 285.1.

5 A. to repair B. to repair it See 285.3.

6 All three are right. If you thought C was wrong, see 285.4.

7 B. See 285.6.

8 A. Wrong. B. Right.

See 288.2.

9 They are all normal except D. See 289.2.

10 C. See 289.2.

11 them not to keep. See 291.5.

12 Both. See 291.4 and 446.1.

13 A and C. See 290.2. В is possible, but unusual (see 290.1).

14 A and B. See 291.4.

15 B. See 292.1.

16 B. See 292.2.

7 -ing forms and past participles

1 Both are right. See 293.2.

2 A. Wrong. B. Right. C. Right. See 295.3.

3 A. Both. B. him See 295.4.

4 asking. See 295.5.

5 B. See 295.6.

6 A and B. See 298.3 and 295.6.

7 They are both right. See 296.2.

8 All three are possible. See 296.3.

9 A. See 297.3.

10 A. to paying B. to seeing C. speaking In A and B, to is used as a preposition. See 298.2.

11 C. See 299.1.

12 Wrong, went on giving... should be: went on togive.... See 299.2.

13 It's wrong: informing should be to inform. See 299.3.

14 A. Right.

D. Wrong.

B. Wrong.

E. Right.

C. Right.

See 299.4.

15 A. passing

B. to pass See 299.7.

16 B. See 299.9.

17 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Right. See 409.3. If you thought В was right, see 410.2.

8 passives

1 A. He has been told to return the money by Friday.

B. They are being given another week to finish the job.

C. He had been employed (by them) for forty years before his retirement.

See 415.

2 A. The keys have been given to his sister.

B. His sister has been given the keys.

C. You were lent a laptop last year.

D. A laptop was lent to you last year. See 415.

3 B. See 415.

4 All three are right. See 415 and 416.3.

5 A. at, by B. about, by C. by See 413.

6 B. See 414.4.

7 A and C are right. See 417.1.

8 Only E is wrong; all the others are right. See 418.2.

9 to tell. See 418.3.

10 It’s right. See 418.2.

11 to be. See 418.4.

12 A, В and D are right. See 420.

9 verbs: some special structures

1 A. Right.

B. Wrong.

C. Right. See 599.4.

2 A. Right.

D. Wrong

B. Wrong. E. Right.

C. Right.

See 328.5.

3 CLEANLY should be CLEAN. See 328.5.

4 A. Jenny B. a new tie C. her husband See 610.1.

5 A. Right.

C. Right.

E. Wrong.

B. Wrong.

D. Right.

See 610.1 and 610.6.

6 They are both right. See 610.5.

7 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Wrong. See 610.7.

8 It's wrong. Should be: Which of these children am I supposed to be looking after? See 600.2 and 600.3.

9 Have you found the book you were looking for? See 600.3.

10 nouns (1): singular and plural, countability and gender

1 A. heroes

B. tornados or tornadoes

C. pianos

D. kilos

E. volcanos or volcanoes

F. echoes See 523.3.

2 A. series

B. crossroads

C. headquarters

D. species See 524.3.

3 A and C. See 524.2.

4 They are all correct. See 524.3.

5 A. want B. consists C. hopes See 526.1.

6 A, В and D are possible. See 526.1. In C, the theatre refers to the building, not the people who run it, so we would normally use it and not they in the last part of the sentence.

7 have. See 526.2.

8 А. я piece, a bit, a stroke

B. a piece, an item

C. a piece, a loaf, a slice (N.B. We can say two rolls but not two rolls of bread) See 148.3.

9 В, E and F. See 148.6.

10 it. See 148.7.

11 A. bar

C. sheet

E. drop

B. grain

D. block

F. slice

See 430.1.

13 A. birds

D. people

B. tyres

E. cards

C. flowers

F. goats See 430.4.

14 who. See 222.1.

15 A. It's, She's Wits C. its, her See 222.1.

16 A and B. In C, firefighter should normally be used. See 222.4 and 222.5.

11 nouns (2): other points

1 A. make, have

C. have

B. go for

D. does

See 598.2.

2 В and C. See 598.2.

3 B. See 439.1.

4 В and C. See 440.1.

5 A. See 440.1.

6 A. See 440.3.

7 B. See 440.3.

8 A, D, F and G. See 440.1 and 440.2.

9 A, В and D. See 440.4.

10 All of them are right except B. See 386.5.

11 A. See 440.6.

12 A. Right. B. Right. C. Wrong. See 440.5.

13 debt relief campaign group. See 385.4.

14 A. Wrong. Should be: letters from home.

B. Right.

C. Wrong. Should be: feeling of disappointment.

D. Wrong. Should be: cow's milk.

E. Right.

See 385.5.

15 A. a gold ring

B. golden

C. a carpet of gold See 386.4.

12 pronouns

1 A. Wrong. B. Very informal. See 428.5.

2 A. her B. her See 429.2.

3 A and C. See 429.7.

4 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Right. See 429.10.

5 A. Wrong. B. Right. C. Right. See 493.2.

6 All four are right. See 171.1. ForCand D, see also 171.3.

7 You can remove each other, which isn’t needed in this sentence. See 171.5.

8 A. anyone

B. everyone

C. Every one See 548.7.

9 A. Right.

C. Wrong.

B. Wrong.

D. Right.

See 395.2.

10 A. See 395.5.

11 A and C. See 395.7.

12 C. See 396.6. (A is possible, but sounds rather formal.)

13 A. however C. how

B. Whatever D. wherever

See 625.1.

14 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Should be: Whoever you meet....

C. Right.

See 625.2.

15 All four are right. See 625.2 and 625.3.

16 B. See 625.5.

17 A. Wrong. B. Right. C. Impolite.

See 625.7.

18 All of them. See 625.8.

13 determiners (1): articles, possessives and demonstratives

1 A. Wrong. Should be: My cousin is.... (See 64.5.)

B. Right. (See 64.6.)

C. Wrong. Should be: George Clooney, the actor. (See 64.4.)

2 A and C. If you thought В was possible, see 67.2.

3 Only B. See 68.1.

4 В, С, E and F. See 68.2.

5 A. school B. the school See 70.1.

6 В, C and F. See 70.2.

7 Only В is right. See 70.6.

8 All of them. See 70.8.

9 All of them are right. See 70.9.

10 A. Wrong. Should be: The violin....

B. Right.

C. Right.

See 70.10.

11 It’s wrong. Should be; ... on the radio and on TV.... See 70.11.

12 A. Wrong. Should be: They appointed her Defence Minister.

B. Right.

See 70.12.

13 A. by the C. by the

See 70.16.

14 A and D. See 70.17.

15 They are both right. See 70.18.

16 A. Open the packet at the other end.

See 64.1c.

B. See the diagram on page 26 (not ... on-the-page-26. See 81.7.).

C. Take the car to the garage; pay the phone bill; call the dentist. See 64.1c.

D. The man (who was) attacked at Waterloo Station was an off-duty policeman (not ... was off-duty- policeman. See 65.4.).

For more on abbreviated styles, see 70.19.

17 All of them are right. See 443.

18 that. See 589.4.

19 A. Normal. B. Wrong. C. Formal. See 589.6.

14 determiners (2): other determiners

1 A, С, E, F and G. See 38.2.

2 B. See 38.2.

3 A and C. See 54.3 and 54.5.

4 B. See 55.5. (For the use of at all in A, see 55.6.)

5 Yes. (... what he or she liked would be a more formal alternative.) See 169.3.

6 All of them. See 169.5.

7 A. EachВ Every C. every See 170.2.

8 It’s right. See 318.1.

9 A (see 318.2) and C (see 318.7).

10 A, D and E. See 329.6 and 329.7.

11 A. Right.

В. Wrong. (Not a continual increase, so should be: ... a lot more or... lots more.) See 355.5.

12 Both. See 356.5.

13 B. See 356.7.

14 A. See 356.8.

15 Should be: He’s got a lot of men friends but he doesn’t know many women. See 357.5.

16 A. See 357.5. A lot and plenty are rather informal (see 333.2 and 333.3).

17 B. See 376.1.

18 Should be: He's got no wife and no children. See 376.1.

19 A and B. See 376.4.

20 A is normal. В would be better as: The President appealed for food... See 546.5.

21 They are both right: some can refer to something negative or positive. See 546.8 and 546.9.

22 B. Would be better as: ...far too many questions. See 596.2.

15 adjectives and adverbs

1 A. Right.

C. Wrong.

B. Right.

D. Wrong.

See 12.2.

2 A. well

B. ill

C. fit See 12.3.

3 All of them are right except C. See 13.2.

4 A. Wrong.

C. Right.

B. Right.

D. Wrong.

See 14.

5 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Should normally be: ... a big new red Italian sports car. See 15.3. (The classification adjective sports goes immediately in front of car. see 15.1 and 15.5.)

6 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Should be: ... second big shock.... See 15.4.

7 В, C and E. See 17.1.

8 They are both right. See 17.5.

9 All of them are right except B.

Fortunately is a comment adverb so it shouldn’t go in end-position. See 22.2.

10 A, В and E. See 22.3 and 24.2.

11 All of them except B. See 22.6.

12 A, C and F. see 24.1.

13 B. See 24.1.

14 A and D. See 24.3.

15 Wrong. Should be: I will have completely finished... (or / will have finished completely...). See 24.4.

16 A. See 24.6.

17 Only your mother needs a drink. Everybody else has one. See 307. 1b.

16 comparison

1 All of them are right. See 137.2 and 137.3.

2 A, C and D. See 136.1 and 136.2.

3 C. See 136.5.

4 All of them except D. If you thought any of the others were wrong, see 136.8.

5 B. See 136.11.

6 All of them are possible except D. If you thought B was wrong, see 136.12.

7 A, C and D are possible. See 137.4.

8 Both are right. A is informal; В more formal. See 138.

9 It’s right. See 139.3.

10 Both of them are wrong. Should be: The more dangerous it is, the more I like it. See 139.5.

11 A. Wrong. B. Right. C. Right.

See 139.5.

12 A. See 139.8.

13 All of them are right except B. If you thought D was wrong, see 140.1. If you thought E or F was wrong, see 140.3.

14 All of them are possible except B. If you thought A was wrong, see 140.4. If you thought C was wrong, see 140.3.

17 prepositions

1 A. Wrong. B. Right.

See 452.2.

2 She's the only woman who I've ever been in love with. See 452.3.

3 A. Normal. C. Wrong.

B. Formal. D. Normal.

See 452.3.

4 A. Both. B. to learn

See 454.

5 A. for B. in C. into See 449.

6 A. about, at B. at, with;for See 449.

7 A. at the end B. in the end

See 450.

8 A. x B. into C. x D. in

For A and C, see 451.1. For В and D, see 449.

9 All of them. See 451.6 and 451.7.

10 C, D and F. See 8.

11 A. British. B. Wrong. C. American. See 82.4.

12 All of them are correct except B, which should be: ... all through the journey home. See 45.

13 A. Wrong.... in-work should be: ... at work. B. Wrong.... at I an don should be: ... in London.

C. Right.

D. Wrong. Should be: Open your books at page 32... at the top of the page.

See 81.7.

14 They are both right. See 117.1.

15 A. Wrong. Should be: by day and by night.

B. Right.

See 117.2.

16 B. For a sentence meaning the same as A, killed with would be killed by.

See 119.2.

17 A. For a sentence meaning the same as B, As... would be Like.... See 326.7.

18 In the front of. See 402.3.

18 questions, imperatives and exclamations

1 A. spoke

B. Both. (... who did phone ...? could be used to insist on an answer here.) C. Both. (... I never did like her could be used for emphasis here.) See 480.6.

2 All of them are possible except C. See 481.

3 В, C and F. See 482.1.

4 A. Right. В. Wrong. C. Right. See 367.4.

5 Speakers 2 and 3 definitely want to leave and Speaker 3 wants to leave the most. See 482.3.

6 All of them except B, which sounds aggressive. See 368.3.

7 B. See 368.3.

8 A and B. See 268.1.

9 Both of them are right. If you thought В was wrong, see 268.3.

10 А, В, E and F. (B and F are far more polite than A and E.) See 268.6.

11 A, B, D, E and G. (F is possible, but very formal.) See 323.1 and 323.2.

12 A. Wrong.

C. Right.

B. Right.

D. Wrong.

See 323.3.

13 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Should be: He's such a nice boy!

C. Wrong. Should be: They talk such rubbish.

D. Wrong. Should be: They’re such kind people.

E. Wrong. Should be: This is such a nice hotel.

See 195.3.

14 Yes. See 195.1 and 195.4.

19 conjunctions

1 A. If you are in doubt, you should wait and see.

B. Prepare the meat, then cook it slowly until it is ready.

C. Once I was in bed, I read for twenty minutes, then I turned out the light.

See 510.5.

2 A. Right.

B. Wrong. (The but should be removed.)

C. Right.

See 511.1.

3 A. Wrong. Should be: hands and knees.

B. Wrong. Should be: thunder and lightning.

C. Right.

See 52.2.

4 Both can be used in all of them. See 53.1.

5 В and D. See 74.2. Could also be: ... Harry talks as if he were rich. See 258.4.

6 All of them. See 75.2 and 263.

7 B. See 78.1.

8 A. Wrong. Should be:... as well as making ....

B. Right.

C. Right.

See 78.2.

9 B. (A would be: She sings as well as playing the piano.) See 78.2.

10 All of them are right. See 97.3 and 97.4.

11 All of them except B. See 252.3.

12 В and C. See 306.1 and 306.2.

13 В and C. See 387 and 394.

14 A. Wrong. B. Right. C. Wrong.

See 306.2.

15 All of them except D. See 387 and 394.

16 All of them except C. See 620.

17 A. Both. C. whether

B. Whether D. whether

See 621.1-3.

20 if

1 All of them are right. See 258.3.

2 You could change Will to Would and bring to brought. See 258.2.

3 A and C: might (meaning ’would perhaps’).

В and D: could (meaning ’would be able to’).

See 258.6.

4 All of them. C sounds the most polite. See 260.4.

5 All of them are possible except B. See 261.1.

6 All of them are right. If you thought В and/or D were wrong, see 261.6.

7 A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Right. See 261.10.

8 A. See 261.11.

9 All of them can replace if here, except D. See 263.

21 indirect speech

1 Both. See 275.4.

2 A. Says is a present reporting verb, so the tense doesn't change. See 275.5.

3 B. If you thought A or C were right, see 275.1 and 275.2. If you thought C or D were right, see 276.1.

4 All of them are right except C, see 277.1. If you thought C was right, see 277.3.

5 A and B. If you thought В was wrong, see 277.2. If you thought C was right, see 275.3.

6 All of them are possible except В. See 277.3.

7 В and C. See 276.3. If you thought D, E or F was right, see 276.4.

22 relatives

1 Both of them are right. If you thought В was wrong, see 498.10.

2 All of them are right except D. If you thought D was right, see 495.3.

3 A. The writer might have meant B, in which case he or she should not have used the comma. See 495.2.

4 Both of them are right. See 496.1.

5 Both of them are right. If you thought A was wrong, see 497.3.

6 What. See 497.3.

7 A (see 498.4) and D (see 498.7).

8 A, C and E (E sounds quite formal). If you thought В or D were right, see 498.13.

9 All of them are right except D. If you thought D was right, see 495.4.

10 B. See 494.5.

23 special sentence structures

1 It’s right. See 446.1.

2 B. See 446.2.

3 A. Wrong. Should be as if or as though.

B. Right. C. Right. D. Right.

See 446.5.

4 A and C. See 302.5.

5 A and C. See 302.7.

6 B. See 303.1.

7 They are both right. See 303.1.

8 They are both right. See 178.1.

9 A. when she B. Both. C. why she See 178.3.

10 All of them are possible. See 178.4.

11 A. Му/The car's running badly.

В. I must dash.

C. Have you seen Joe?

D. You're keeping well, I hope?

E. There’s nobody at home.

F. Be careful what you say. There are children in the room.

See 179.1.

12 A. did

B. himself

C. very

D. much

E. indeed

For a review of these structures, see 184.4.

13 Both of them are possible. See 130.1.

14 A. is

B. Both. See 130.1.

C. are. See 131.1.

15 B. See 130.4.

24 spoken grammar

1 A. There’s nobody at home - my wife’s on holiday.

В. -You’re keeping well, I hope.

Have you seen Joe?

C. Did you enjoy the film? - I couldn’t understand a word of it.

D. Be careful what you say - there are children listening.

See 179.1.

2 A and С. (B might be possible in informal written English.) See 179.2.

3 A. is B. has C. is

See 487.4.

4 B. See 487.6.

5 All of them are right except В. В should be: Yes, she really does. See 517.

6 A. Did you C. Does he E. wasn't it

B. have you D. Don't you See 484.

7 B. See 541.1.

8 A. have B. were C. do D. did See 541.1.

25 topic-related language

1 A. Right.

B. Right (but old fashioned).

C. Right.

D. Right.

See 152.1.

2 All of them except C. See 152.1.

3 A, В and D. In American English, F is normally used, and not D. See 152.2.

4 A. sir

B. Walton

C. Jim Walton

D. Dear Sir. See 146 (5).

E. Jim

F: Mr Jim Walton. See 146 (10).

The wrong form of address is: Mr Jim See 363.1 and 363.2.

5 A. Norwegian; a Norwegian; the Norwegians

B. Swedish; a Swede; the Swedes

C. Iraqi; an Iraqi; the Iraqis

D. Thai; a Thai; the Thais

E. Polish; a Pole; the Polish

F. Turkish; a Turk; the Turks

G. Japanese; a Japanese; the Japanese See 364.

6 A, С, E and F. (B is normally used instead of A in American English.) See 578.4.

7 A. dialling code (In American English, it's area code.)

B. outside

C. reverse charge

D. wrong

E. breaking up

F. cut off

See 578.5, 578.6, 578.10, and 578.11.

8 A. Right.

B. Right. See 578.8.

C. Wrong. Too informal for a switchboard operator.

D. Right.

E. Wrong. Should be: I'm putting you through now.

F. Wrong. Should be: ... the number is engaged. (Or busy in American English.) G. Wrong. Should be: ...from his number or ... from his extension.

See 578.9.

9 A, С, E and H. In American English, D, G, I and J are also possible. See 579.1.

10 A. See 579.2.

11 A. Both. B. the first C. Both.

See 579.3.

26 spelling, contractions and punctuation

1 В, C, E and F. See 556. b and 556.c.

2 A. drily or dryly E. tragically

B. shyly

F. publicly

C. slyly

G. comically

D. nobly

See 557.2-4.

3 A. Wrong. B. Right.

See 559.2b.

4 A. the second: replaceable

B. the second: courageous

C. the first: charging

D. Both.

E. Both.

See 560.2.

F. Both. (but likeable is more common)

G. the second: mileage

See 560.1.

5 A. Right. B. Wrong. Should be dryer. See 561.2.

6 A. Wrong. Should be galloped. (Betting is right.)

B. Wrong. Should be upsetting. (Developing is right.)

See 562.3.

7 Wrong: beleive should be believe. The other words are correct. See 564.

8 Yes: ou is pronounced differently in E (should). See 565.11, 565.12 and 565.14.

9 Yes: i is pronounced differently in C (bitterness). See 565.13 and 565.14.

10 A and C. See 143.1.

11 A. were

C. hasn't

B. they're

D. oughtn't

See 143.4.

12 It’s wrong. It’s an indirect question, so it should end with a full stop and not a question mark. See 473.3.

14 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Either the first comma should be a semi-colon (;) or there should be a new sentence; The blue dress was warmer. On the other hand,.... See 476.3.

C. Wrong. The first semi-colon should be a colon (:). See 474. The second and third semi-colons are correct. See 475.2.

15 Both of them are right. See 476.1.

16 You can use either a colon (see 474.2) or a dash (see 477).

17 A or C. See 478.1.

18 A. Right.

C. Unusual.

E. Wrong.

B. Right.

D. Unusual.

See 479.3.

27 words (1): similar words

1 A. alternatively

C. alternative

B. alternately

D. alternate

See 48.

2 A., altogether

C. All together

B. altogether See 50.

3 A. horn

C. bore

E. born

B. bore

D. borne

See 108.1 and 108.2.

4 C. See 127.2.

5 C. See 127.3.

6 A and D. See 127.1.

7 A. continuously C. continual B. continually See 142.

8 A. economical C. economical

B. economic See 254.3c.

9 A. efficient B. efficient C. effective See 173.

10 A. laid B. lie C. Lay D. lay See 316.1 and 316.2.

11 A. loud or loudly. See 27.2.

B. aloud. See 334.

C. loud or loudly. See 27.2.

12 Shade. If you thought it was shadow, see 516.

13 A. some time

B. sometime or some time

C. Sometimes

D. some times See 549.

14 A. who's B. Whose C. whose

See 627.

28 words (2): other confusable words

1 agreed. See 7.

2 A. All three.

B. nearly

C. almost, practically

D. almost, practically

E. almost, practically See 43.

3 A. again B. back C. back See 87.

4 All of them. See 87.4.

5 A. big large

B. great

C. great

D. big great (big is less formal here)

E. great See 106.

6 brought up. See 113.

7 All of them are right. See 160.5 and 160.6.

8 A. finally (at last is also possible, but less common in mid-position) B. at last (finally is also possible, but less common in mid-position) C. At last

D. Finally

E. at the end

F. in the end, finally See 204.

9 A. Right.  C. Wrong. E. Right.

B. Right.  D. Wrong. F. Wrong.

See 247.

10 A. sick B. Both. C. sick

See 266.

11 Saturday. (Fred is coming on Wednesday and Sue is arriving three days after that.) See 315.

12 A. last week. See 314.1.

B. the last week. See 314.1.

C. the last week. See 314.3.

13 A. See 375.1.

14 Perhaps normally sounds better in a formal context like this one. See 346.

15 All of them are right except D. See 502.

16 A. Right. C. Right.

B. Wrong. D. Wrong.

See 550.2.

17 A. talk

D. talk

B. speak

E. speak (more formal)

C. speak

F. talk (less formal)

See 553.

18 thankful. See 582.

29 words (3): other vocabulary problems

1 afterwards. See 29.2.

2 It’s wrong. After all should be finally, at last or in the end. See 31.2.

3 A. Wrong. Alike should be like.

B. Wrong. Alike should be similar­looking.

C. Right.

See 34.

4 A. Wrong. Should be: Don’t ask me for money.

B. Right.

C. Right.

See 79.1.

5 A. See 79.2.

6 B. See 83.

7 A. On the contrary. See 144.1.

B. opposite. See 144.2.

8 B. See 191.4.

9 A. always B. ever See 191.5.

10 All four are right. See 205.

11 All of them. See 226.1 and 226.2.

12 А, В, C, D and G. See 227.

13 B. If you thought any of the others could be replaced by know, see 313.5.

14 Wrong. Should be: I know. See 313.6.

15 A, В and C. See 322.1. If you thought D and/or E were correct, see 322.2.

16 All of them are correct except C.

See 327.1-3.

17 A. Right. B. Wrong.

See 388.

18 C. If you thought either A or В could be replaced by once, see 393.

19 A. Wrong. B. Right.

See 401.

20 They are both right. See 407.

21 Both A and В (though В is less common). See 467.

22 A. remains

B. leftovers

C. rest

D. remainder

Rests is an incorrect word.

See 501.

23 A. already B. yet C. still

See 566.1-4.

24 Student A. See 566.5.

25 Both (though still is more common). See 566.9.

26 Passenger B. See 572.

27 Both are right. See 572.

28 A, C, D and F. See 612.

29 Both. See 615.3.

30 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Should be: ... means of transport.

See 615.4.