8 -ing forms and past participles - Upper Intermediate

Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008

8 -ing forms and past participles
Upper Intermediate

1 Wrong. It should begin: Not knowing.... See 293.2.

2 A, В and D are right. See 295.3.

3 them (informal) and their. See 295.3 and 295.4.

4 Both. See 295.5.

5 A, C, D, H, I. See 296.1 and, for verbs followed by infinitive, 283.

6 smoking. See 299.12.

7 A. reading

D. speaking, to speak

B. smoking

E. to see

C. learning See 296.1.

8 Only В is possible. See 297.1.

9 A. starting

B. finding

C. insuring See 298.1.

10 A. to walk

B. Both.

See 299.9.

11 They are bothright. See409.1.

12 interested; confused. See 409.2.