9 passives - Upper Intermediate

Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008

9 passives
Upper Intermediate

1 AandB.See413and414.1.

2 В and D. See 413 and 414.1.

3 А, В, C and E. In D, it should be: having been spoken to. See 412.2.

4 Only В is right. See 412.3.

5 Only Cis right. See 412.3.

6 A. Wrong. Should be: We were questioned....

B. Right.

C. Wrong. Should be: ... we were released. See 412.5.

7 A. I was sent a new chequebook (by the bank).

B. They are paid a lot of money(byus) for doing very little.

C. We will never be told the real truth (by them).


8 All four are right. See 418.5.

9 C. See416.1.