Insects - Prepositions - Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

This insect has been bred for more than two thousand years. It is very important for making a certain kind of clothing. What is the name of this insect?

To answer the question, read the article below. Decide if the underlined words are prepositions. Start with the first sentence. Then write the letters beneath the prepositions in order in the spaces at the bottom of the page.

Insects Image found Image the world. They live Image forests, fields, Image deserts. They live Image everywhere. They are Image your home. Some insects Image destructive. They eat crops Image cause damage Image homes. Some cause disease. But others Image helpful. Honeybees Image spread pollen Image flowers. This Image the flowers bloom. Other insects Image harmful bugs. Insects Image an important Image life Image planet.