Soccer - Prepositional phrases - Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Prepositional phrases
Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

This soccer tournament was first played in the country of Uruguay in 1930. What is the name of this soccer tournament?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Find the object of the preposition. In the parentheses that follow each sentence, a letter is called for. Find this letter in the object of the preposition. Write the letter in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. The first one is done for you. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Steve likes playing soccer with his friends. (second letter)

2. Sometimes they play after school. (fourth letter)

3. On Saturday they play too. (fourth letter)

4. If they have time, they will play on Sunday. (fourth letter)

5. During the week Steve finishes his homework first. (first letter)

6. Last summer Steve went to camp and played soccer. (first letter)

7. With practice, Steve will become a better player. (first letter)

8. The other members of his family enjoy soccer. (fifth letter)
