One of the Very First Cars - Conjunctions - Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

One of the Very First Cars
Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

Conjunctions are words that join words or groups of words in a sentence. They can also join two sentences to form a compound sentence. Three of the most common conjunctions are and, but, and or.

✵ Use and to join words, groups of words, or sentences.

Sean and Pete are friends.

Cori and her sister are twins.

Kristen finished her homework, and she went to dance practice.

✵ Use but to join two sentences that show contrast.

I hoped for snow, but it rained.

Heather wanted to watch TV, but she had too much homework.

✵ Use or to join words or sentences that show choice.

Ricky or Sam will be the starting pitcher.

Jasmine will practice her flute, or she will read her novel.

7.9 One of the Very First Cars

In 1885, Karl Benz of Germany test-drove a gas-powered vehicle. It had only three wheels, but many historians consider it to be one of the first cars. What was it called?

To answer the question, complete each sentence with the correct conjunction. Choose your answers from the words after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page.

1. Karl Benz _____ Henry Ford were inventors of automobiles.

A. and

E. or

2. Benz worked in Germany, _____ Ford worked in the United States.

E. but

U. or

3. Inventors in England _____ France also built early automobiles.

N. but

R. and

4. Many men tried to build automobiles, _____ not all were successful.

L. and

T. but

5. Ford built his first car in 1893, _____ Benz tested his many years earlier.

N. but

S. and

6. These early machines were often called “horseless carriages,” _____ they had other names, too.

R. or

W. but

7. In time, the new machines were called automobiles _____ cars.

V. but

M. or

8. My mother _____ father have their own cars.

G. and

J. or

9. My father drives either his car _____ his truck to work each day.

O. or

K. and
