Ski Tournament - Interjections - Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Ski Tournament
Prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

In 1892, the first international ski tournament was held in a Scandinavian country. The tournament took place near a city called Christiania. Today that city has a different name. What is the name of this city today? In what country is it located?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Name the part of speech of the underlined word. Choose your answers from the parts of speech after the sentences. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Stacey lives in New England.

2. Her town receives a lot of snow each winter.

3. She and her friends like to ski.

4. They wait for the first snowfall each season.

5. Stacey bought new skis this year.

6. She loves skiing swiftly down the mountain.

7. “Great! It’s going to snow,” Stacey said.

8. The next morning she looked outside at the deep snow.


L. Noun

R. Verb

A. Adjective

N. Conjunction

W. Preposition

S. Pronoun

Y. Adverb

O. Interjection
