Bachelor President - End punctuation - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Bachelor President
End punctuation
Punctuation and capitalization

End punctuation includes periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Use end punctuation to end a sentence.

✵ A period ends a statement or command.

It is a sunny day.

We will go to the movies tonight.

Please open the window.

✵ A question mark ends a question.

Will it snow tonight?

Do we have homework?

What is our math homework?

✵ An exclamation point ends an exclamation.

Look out!

Oh, no! I left my report home.

What a catch! Wow!

✵ Use a period in most abbreviations and after initials.


8.3 Bachelor President

This U.S. president was the only president never to have been married. Who was he?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Choose the correct end punctuation. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Luis and his friends are learning about the presidents

U. Period

E. Question Mark

S. Exclamation Point

2. George Washington was the first president of the United States

H. Period

P. Question Mark

C. Exclamation Point

3. Do you know who was the second

F. Period

J. Question Mark

W. Exclamation Point

4. Abraham Lincoln was the president during the Civil War

C. Period

I. Question Mark

R. Exclamation Point

5. He was also the tallest president

E. Period

M. Question Mark

A. Exclamation Point

6. How tall was he

M. Period

B. Question Mark

H. Exclamation Point

7. Franklin Roosevelt was elected for four straight terms

M. Period

T. Question Mark

K. Exclamation Point

8. That’s amazing

G. Period

R. Question Mark

N. Exclamation Point

9. Bill Clinton was the first left-handed president

S. Period

U. Question Mark

R. Exclamation Point

10. Who do you think will be the next president

E. Period

A. Question Mark

I. Exclamation Point
