Mighty River - Commas - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Mighty River
Punctuation and capitalization

This is the longest river in the world. It is 4,160 miles long. What is its name? On what continent is it found?

To answer the questions, read each sentence below. Decide if the end marks and commas are used correctly. If an end mark is missing or is used incorrectly, write the letter for end mark in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If a comma is missing or is used incorrectly, write the letter for comma. If the sentence is correct, write the letter for no mistake. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Most rivers empty into other rivers lakes, or oceans.

S. End Mark

E. Comma

G. No Mistake

2. Some rivers are thousands of miles long but others are only a few miles.

N. End Mark

R. Comma

A. No Mistake

3. Many rivers are, more than a thousand miles long.

D. End Mark

C. Comma

R. No Mistake

4. What is the longest river in the world.

L. End Mark

W. Comma

O. No Mistake

5. The Mississippi River is the longest river in the United States.

U. End Mark

A. Comma

F. No Mistake

6. The Amazon River, the second longest river in the world, is in South America.

T. End Mark

R. Comma

N. No Mistake

7. The place where a river begins is called its source

A. End Mark

R. Comma

N. No Mistake

8. A river always flows downhill to its mouth.

G. End Mark

U. Comma

I. No Mistake
