Speedy Dog - Italics - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Speedy Dog
Punctuation and capitalization

This breed of dog is considered to be the fastest runner of all dogs. What dog is this?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. Decide if the underlined word or words need quotation marks or italics. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. If neither quotation marks nor italics are needed, write the letter for neither. You will need to reverse the letters.

1. Kayla read a book titled Caring for Your Dog.

L. Quotation Marks

E. Italics

I. Neither

2. In Chapter 2, Training Your Puppy, she learned many helpful tips.

O. Quotation Marks

U. Italics

E. Neither

3. She learned that puppies need a lot of care.

D. Quotation Marks

T. Italics

Y. Neither

4. Her mom handed her a magazine for dog owners.

I. Quotation Marks

U. Italics

N. Neither

5. The name of the magazine was Dogs.

O. Quotation Marks

R. Italics

U. Neither

6. You may find more information here, her mom said.

U. Quotation Marks

I. Italics

C. Neither

7. Kayla turned to an article titled Your Dog and You.

G. Quotation Marks

M. Italics

R. Neither

8. Maybe we can find more information on the Internet, said her mom.

D. Quotation Marks

R. Italics

L. Neither

9. Of course, Kayla’s favorite movie is 101 Dalmatians.

F. Quotation Marks

H. Italics

R. Neither
