Explorer of Florida - Italics - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Explorer of Florida
Punctuation and capitalization

In the early 1520s, Juan Ponce de León explored Florida. Legend says that he searched for a fantastic spring. He believed that waters from this spring could keep a person young forever. What was this spring called?

To answer the question, read each sentence below and find the missing punctuation mark. Choose your answers from the choices after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Nathans favorite subject in school is history.

W. Comma

E. Period

I. Apostrophe

2. He enjoys reading about explorers and their discoveries

A. Comma

U. Period

H. Apostrophe

3. “What is your favorite subject” he asked William.

S. Comma

A. Question Mark

H. Apostrophe

4. “I really like science” said William.

Y. Comma

F. Period

E. Apostrophe

5. Tamara said that her favorite subject is reading

T. Comma

M. Quotation Marks

H. Period

6. “Whats your favorite book?” asked William.

O. Comma

S. Quotation Marks

N. Apostrophe

7. She told him that the title of the book was Where the Red Fern Grows.

E. Comma

H. Quotation Marks

T. Italics

8. “I read that book, Nathan said, in fifth grade.”

E. Comma

F. Quotation Marks

R. Colon

9. “It was a great book,” he said “but my favorite books are about history.”

O. Comma

I. Quotation Marks

S. Italics
