Much Bigger than a Mouse - Italics - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Much Bigger than a Mouse
Punctuation and capitalization

The biggest rodent in the world is found in South America. It can grow to be four feet long and weigh up to a hundred pounds. What is it called?

To answer the question, read each sentence below and find the missing punctuation mark. Choose your answers from the choices after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page.

1. One of Emily’s favorite books is Stuart Little.

R. Apostrophe

M. Quotation Marks

B. Italics

2. “Mice are rodents, she said to her friend Richard.

I. Apostrophe

A. Quotation Marks

E. Italics

3. “They are warmblooded animals,” she said.

U. Comma

Y. Period

A. Hyphen

4. There are almost five thousand different kinds of rodents

N. Comma

Y. Period

S. Quotation Marks

5. Richards pet guinea pig is a rodent.

R. Comma

A. Apostrophe

B. Colon

6. Most rodents are small but some are big.

C. Comma

L. Period

H. Apostrophe

7. “I think,” said Richard “that the biggest rodent lives in South America.”

R. Comma

E. Period

O. Apostrophe

8. “Do you know its name” said Emily.

T. Apostrophe

P. Question Mark

G. Comma
