Turning from Side to Side - Italics - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Turning from Side to Side
Punctuation and capitalization

This is the only insect that can turn its head from side to side. What is it?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. If all the punctuation is correct, write the letter for correct in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If any of the punctuation is incorrect, write the letter for incorrect.

1. I don’t like bugs, said Hannah.

S. Correct

M. Incorrect

2. “Me neither” said Jill. “I never did.”

D. Correct

T. Incorrect

3. “Some insects are important,” said Brandon.

R. Correct

H. Incorrect

4. “What kind of bug is important,” said Hannah.

O. Correct

G. Incorrect

5. “Ladybugs,” said Brandon, “They eat other bugs.”

N. Correct

S. Incorrect

6. “And bees,” he said, “because they help to spread pollen on flowers.”

Y. Correct

A. Incorrect

7. Brandon was the bug expert in his class.

A. Correct

I. Incorrect

8. “You should read a book about insects,” he said.

E. Correct

N. Incorrect

9. “I read Charlotte’s Web for my book report,” said Hannah.

P. Correct

D. Incorrect

10. “That’s about a spider,” said Brandon, “and spiders are arachnids.”

I. Correct

E. Incorrect
