Heading to Brazil - Capitalization - Punctuation and capitalization

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Heading to Brazil
Punctuation and capitalization

In 1500, this Portuguese explorer set out to sail around Africa to India. But strong winds and ocean currents pushed him off course. He eventually discovered Brazil. Who was he?

To answer the question, read each sentence below. If all of the capital letters are correct, write the letter for correct in the space above the sentence number at the bottom of the page. If a letter that should be capitalized is not capitalized, or if a letter that should not be capitalized is capitalized, write the letter for incorrect.

1. After Columbus discovered the new World, European explorers sailed westward.

H. Correct

B. Incorrect

2. Spanish and Portuguese explorers sought Routes to Asia.

A. Correct

E. Incorrect

3. Some of these men explored South America.

L. Correct

U. Incorrect

4. Others sailed around Africa to India.

O. Correct

E. Incorrect

5. The French and English explored much of North America.

C. Correct

M. Incorrect

6. Sailing across the Atlantic ocean was long and dangerous.

A. Correct

D. Incorrect

7. Strong winds and powerful storms forced ships off course.

A. Correct

H. Incorrect

8. Many ships were lost in Hurricanes.

G. Correct

P. Incorrect

9. Settlers came after the explorers and started Colonies.

J. Correct

R. Incorrect
