Up, Up, and Away - Forming Plural Nouns - Nouns

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Up, Up, and Away
Forming Plural Nouns

The first hot-air balloon to carry people was invented by two French brothers. What was their last name?

To answer the question, complete each sentence below with the correct form of the plural noun. Choose your answers from the words after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. The first names of the brothers are given.

1. Amanda’s uncle enjoys flying in hot-air _____.

U. balloones

T. balloons

2. Uncle Charlie tells her _____ of his adventures.

K. storys

F. stories

3. He tells her how he loves flying in clear _____.

E. skies

U. skys

4. One time, he flew over four ______.

N. counties

C. countys

5. Another time, he landed in thorny ______.

G. bushes

M. bushs

6. Still another time, he landed in a tree’s ______.

O. branchs

I. branches

7. Once, he landed in the middle of a flock of wild ______.

R. turkies

L. turkeys

8. Uncle Charlie visited Amanda’s class and told the _____ about flying.

R. studentes

M. students

9. He explained that manned balloon _____ began in 1783 in France.

O. flights

I. flightes

10. To Uncle Charlie, those people were real ______.

R. heroes

S. heros

Joseph and Jacques Image