Special States - Kinds and structures of sentences - Sentences

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Special States
Kinds and structures of sentences

The biggest state in the United States is Alaska. What is the smallest state?

To answer the question, name each sentence below. Select your answers from the choices after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. Kim’s favorite subject in school is geography.

S. Simple

N. Compound

2. She likes learning about different places and people.

E. Simple

A. Compound

3. Kim knows a lot about the states, and she plans to visit each one someday.

O. Simple

A. Compound

4. At one time our country had only thirteen states, but today there are fifty.

T. Simple

I. Compound

5. Alaska and Hawaii were the last two states to join the Union.

O. Simple

G. Compound

6. Texas was once the biggest state, but now Alaska is the biggest.

G. Simple

L. Compound

7. Canada is north of the United States, and Mexico is south of our country.

E. Simple

N. Compound

8. Alaska is separated from the lower forty-eight states by Canada.

D. Simple

J. Compound

9. Canada is larger than the United States, but it has a smaller population.

N. Simple

R. Compound

10. Kim would like to travel around the world someday.

H. Simple

E. Compound
