What a Hoot! - Agreement Between Subjects and Verbs - Verbs

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

What a Hoot!
Agreement Between Subjects and Verbs

Subjects must agree with their verbs in number. A singular subject needs the singular form of a verb. A plural subject needs the plural form of a verb.

✵ In the present tense, add -s or -es to the verb when the subject is singular. Do not add -s or -es when the subject is plural.

Sean plays soccer on the middle school team. (singular, present tense)

The brothers play soccer on the middle school team. (plural, present tense)

Sean goes to practice after school. (singular, present tense)

The brothers go to practice after school. (plural, present tense)

✵ In the present tense, the pronouns I and you need the plural forms of verbs. Do not add -s or -es to the verbs.

I walk to school each day.

You walk to school each day.

The brothers walk to school each day.

✵ In the past tense, the singular and plural forms of most verbs end in -ed.

Sean played soccer on the middle school team. (singular, past tense)

The brothers played soccer on the middle school team. (plural, past tense)

✵ Compound subjects that are joined by and need the plural form of the verb.

Tara and Cheryl walk to school.

My brothers and I walk to school.

3.18 What a Hoot!

This large owl has a wingspan of about five feet. It is found in much of North and South America. Sometimes it is called a hoot owl because of its deep call. What is the actual name of this owl?

To answer the question, complete each sentence below with the correct present-tense form of the verb. Choose your answers from the verbs after each sentence. Write the letter of each answer in the space above its sentence number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.

1. This animal _____ during the night.

E. hunt

O. hunts

2. Owls _____ their nests at nightfall.

A. leave

S. leaves

3. An owl’s big eyes _____ for prey in the night.

N. look

S. looks

4. An owl _____ swiftly through the darkness.

E. fly

D. flies

5. It _____ small birds, animals, and insects.

T. eat

H. eats

6. Owls _____ in most parts of the world.

R. live

C. lives

7. On some nights I _____ the hoot of an owl.

T. hear

C. hears

8. My sister _____ for the owl, too.

S. listen

G. listens

9. She and I _____ learning about wildlife.

E. enjoy

R. enjoys
