Gateway to a New Life - Regular and Irregular Verbs - Verbs

Practice Makes Perfect: Exploring Grammar - Muschla Gary Robert 2010

Gateway to a New Life
Regular and Irregular Verbs

Verbs have different forms. Three common verb forms are the present, the past, and the past participle.

Most verbs are known as regular verbs. Their past and past participle forms are made by adding -d or -ed to the present form. The past participle needs the helping verbs have, has, or had. Here are some examples:


Some verbs are known as irregular verbs. The past and past participle forms of irregular verbs do not end in -d or -ed. They may change their spelling, or they may not change at all. Here are some examples:


Learning the forms of irregular verbs will help you use them correctly.

3.21 Gateway to a New Life

Opened in 1892, this place welcomed millions of immigrants to America. What was the name of this place?

To answer the question, match the present-tense form of the irregular verb on the left with its past-tense form on the right. Write the letter of the past form in the space above the verb’s number at the bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters into words.
